facebookA Sobering Note From A Seedly Community Member




A Sobering Note From A Seedly Community Member

profileKenneth Lou

We received this via our anonymous QnA platform. However, it seemed more like a message/note to our fellow community members, hence I have decided to dedicate a whole blog post to him/her instead. If you would like to send us a dedication and share your questions/story, please do so here, we’ll help you get the word out to our community and friends.

A meaningful message

A common goal – Work hard, seek more money.

“I know Seedly is about achieving higher financial position at the end of the day. But I find that seeking more money, has and will be a scary trend. Many people talking about hardworking, resilience, debt free as soon as possible and taking multiple jobs. As much as such behaviour is encouraged, I find it hard to acknowledge wholeheartedly given what I have gone through.”

Most people do it at the expense of health.

“I have worked extremely hard my entire life since primary school age. At the expense of health? It’s a fact that people in 20s and 30s don’t realise how fragile life is.”

“At 21, contacted a rare incurable illness. On top of that, came many problems that are likely due to years of fatigue. It’s really easy to feel fine. I have never felt I didn’t take care of myself until health gives me a kick in the ass. People have all along placed value on many things, but not health. No matter what I say to people about seriously just slowing down in life, enjoy everyday, don’t take any strain on your body.”

It comes crumbling down one day due to health.

“If one day, all it takes is a wrong turn for everything around to crumble, not because of money, but health. Health can break someone’s will no matter how strong. If I could turn back time, given a choice, I rather be in loads of debt, less appealing future, than losing my health. You can’t put a price on yourself. If anyone were to have lesson on finance, the first one should be knowing you are priceless.”

Conclusion – Take good care of yourself

If there is anything that this taught me, is that while making money is important, you also have to enjoy life at the same time while taking good care of your body.

I have experienced this with my family recently as well, my own father passed away just in April 2018 and he was only 54 years old. Most of us plan till we live till 80 years old or beyond, in fact he also planned to do so with my mother too. The goal was to amass enough so that he could “Retire in New Zealand on a farmland with dogs and animals”

He never got there sadly. During his 30s and 40s he was always very stressed out with work and growing his business and fought brain cancer for the last 4 years of his life.

If that taught me one thing, is to enjoy what you are doing and also take good care of your own body, because you only have ONE body, and it’s priceless. Splurge a little on fitness, getting healthier and re-setting your mind and body once in awhile. You will thank yourself for that, I’m sure!

Parting note: I can’t stress how important this really is. Just this week, my mum’s colleague who was 53 years old passed away due to Prostate cancer, living behind two kids from NS and Poly. Share this with your friend and families who you find could benefit from a mid-week thought! Go get your running shoes and go for a quick jog now!



About Kenneth Lou
Co-founder of Seedly. Passionate about helping people make smarter financial decisions.
You can contribute your thoughts like Kenneth Lou here.

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