facebookWhat Should I Do if I Kena COVID-19? What To Do Next, Subsidies & Grants Available


What Should I Do if I Kena COVID-19? What To Do Next, Subsidies & Grants Available

profileXue Miao

It has been almost two years since we’ve witnessed the first COVID-19 case in Singapore.

Ever since then, we’ve experienced so many changes in measures and restrictions, and witnessed how the global pandemic has upended our lives.

We’ve also seen the many initiatives that have been rolled out by the government in order to keep the situation under control.

Source: @sgagsg | Instagram

With higher vaccination rates, we have been told to learn to embrace this disease as we transition to a new normal of living.

This includes having to go through a spike in daily COVID-19 cases, which we have been witnessing these days.

If you’re worried that you’re being infected or exposed to COVID-19, here’s what you need to know.

TL;DR: Getting Exposed or Infected With COVID-19 in Singapore: What Should I Do?

Getting Exposed or Infected With COVID-19

Additional COVID-19 Resources

I Feel Well But Tested Positive With COVID-19: What Should I Do?

It is possible to be tested positive with no symptoms observed.

In this case, you are not required to inform the Ministry of Health (MOH).

What you need to do is to self-isolate for 72 hours, inform your close contacts so that they can get tested and monitor their health.

If you test negative after 3 days, you’ll be able to resume your daily activities.

If you still test positive after 3 days, continue to test yourself daily until you receive a negative result.

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I Feel Unwell and Suspected To Be Infected With COVID-19: What Should I Do?

If you’re suspecting that you might be infected with COVID-19, here’s what to do.

If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and breathlessness, visit a Swab And Send Home (SASH) clinic via private transport for a doctor to assess and advise you on your next steps.

You do not need to rush to a hospital emergency department to get tested.

Getting a PCR Swab Test at a Clinic

The clinic will only conduct a swab test or refer individuals for swabbing if you have been assessed by a doctor to require a swab.

The swab test will be done onsite if the clinic is a PHPC that offers the SASH service, or individuals would be referred to other facilities which include Regional Screening Centres and selected polyclinics.

While waiting for your test result, you should return home immediately and self-isolate in a room (preferably one with an attached bathroom) until you receive your result.

The GP will inform you of your swab result if it’s positive. If it’s negative, you’ll receive an SMS.

How Much Does a PCR Test Cost?

If you’ve been assessed by the doctor to meet the swabbing criteria, the cost of the swab test will be fully covered by the government.

However, the test must be done within 48 hours of your visit to your doctor.

If not, you’ll be charged as per a regular Flu Subsidy Scheme (FSS)/ Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) Acute visit.

The fees are as follows:

  • Singaporean and Permanent Residents, eligible work permit holders (excluding foreign domestic workers and performing artistes): $10
  • Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) seniors: $5

Do note that the subsidised rates only apply if you are diagnosed by your doctor to have a respiratory infection.

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Getting a Positive COVID-19 Swab Test Result: What’s Next?

If you’re tested positive, you should expect to receive an Isolation Order (IO) SMS within 48 hours upon your positive result on HealthHub.

Do fill in this form if you did not receive the SMS.

The default care arrangement since 10 Oct is the Home Recovery Programme (HRP), except for the following groups:

  • Partially or unvaccinated individuals aged 50 years and older
  • Vaccinated persons 80 years and older
  • Children aged less than 1 year, and children aged 1 to 4 years who have been assessed to be clinically unsuitable for home recovery

If you’re not eligible for the HRP, you’ll be receiving a call from MOH to be transferred to a care facility.

What To Do Under the Home Recovery Programme (HRP)

If you’re eligible for the HRP, you’ll receive an SMS containing a link for you to provide your details and register your household members as close contacts.

You’ll be receiving a call from a Home Recovery Buddy (HRB) to assist with the onboarding onto the HRP.

Do continue to remain isolate and monitor your daily health, including taking your temperature, pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation levels (with your oximeter).

If you require medical assistance, you can contact the GP who conducted your test previously if they are part of the HRP.

Otherwise, you can contact a telemedicine provider.

When Can I Be Discharged?

Source: giphy

For Fully Vaccinated Individuals & Children Age 12 and Below

  • Automatically discharged on Day 10, 12pm onwards. No test required
  • Discharge memo will be issued to you via SMS on the same day

For Unvaccinated Individuals Above Age 12

  • Automatically discharged on Day 14, 12pm onwards. No test required
  • Discharge memo will be issued to you via SMS on the same day

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I’m A Close Contact: What Should I Do?

You’ll be served a Health Risk Warning (HRW) if you’re a close contact with a COVID-19 case.

You’ll be considered as a close contact if your household member has tested positive for COVID-19.

For this, do ensure that your COVID positive household member has nominated you for HRW through their Isolation Order SMS link.

You are legally required to self-isolate immediately and take an ART self-test within 24 hours.

This result has to be submitted online.

You will have to continue to monitor yourself for 7 days, even if your first ART test result is negative.

If you need to leave your house during the period, you have to take an ART self-test once per day before leaving the house.

These results do not have to be submitted online (i.e. only the first ART taken on Day 1 has to be submitted).

What Should I Do If My ART Result Is Positive?

If your test result comes back positive, do refer to the ‘I Feel Well But Tested Positive With COVID-19: What Should I Do?‘ section above.

I Did Not Receive A Health Risk Warning (HRW): What’s Next?

If you did not receive an HRW but suspect that you’re in contact with a COVID positive case, do monitor your health over the next few days.

If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and breathlessness, visit a Swab And Send Home (SASH) clinic via private transport for a doctor to assess and advise you on your next steps.

If you are well, you can still take an ART.

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Where To Get Antigen Rapid Test (ART) Kits

Residents who received the SMS from MOH informing them that they are required to self ART will be eligible to collect ART kits from vending machines at selected venues.

For those who received an SMS, they may collect 2 packs of 3 ART self-test kits each.

The closest collection point can be found here.

For anyone who requires more test kits, they can be bought over the counter at nearby pharmacies and supermarkets too.

If that’s what you’re looking for, we’ve done an ultimate compilation of ART kits for your reference!

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Does My Insurance Plan Cover Me For COVID-19?

As most of the individuals who have contracted COVID-19 are vaccinated and experience mild symptoms, there is no additional medical attention required.

If there are medical issues, individuals are advised to contact a telemedicine provider as one of the options.

Some insurance providers do provide subsidised teleconsultations as an add-on.

Do check whether your insurance policies have any coverage in this aspect.

Hospitalisation Costs

For individuals admitted to hospitals due to more severe symptoms and requiring close observation, the government will be paying for hospital bills that have been incurred by COVID-19.

Health insurance plans also typically cover COVID-19 under hospitalisation benefits.

However, these plans do not cover for quarantine in hospitals if it is not medically necessary.

According to ICA, Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Long Term Pass Holders (LTPHs) who are tested positive within 14 days of arriving in Singapore have to be responsible for all charges of their medical bills.

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may use Government subsidies, MediSave, MediShield Life or Integrated Shield Plans to help pay for their bills.

Hospital Care Insurance

For those who are covered under hospital care insurance, there could be daily hospital cash payouts for admissions due to COVID-19.

Do refer to your policy for the terms and conditions such as the benefits and coverage available.

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Courage Fund COVID-19 Relief Schemes

To help Singaporeans who have been affected by the COVID-19 situation, the Courage Fund is available to provide relief for different individuals, including those who have faced a loss of income, or struggle with daily expenses.

Here’s a quick overview of the schemes that are available under the Courage Fund:

SchemeRelief ProvidedEligibilityHow to Apply
For dependants of persons who passed away due to COVID-19$30,000 For families of Healthcare workers

Dependants of Healthcare workers are also eligible for the Education Grant
More information available at hospitals

For any further assistance, please contact the Courage Fund (COVID-19) Secretariat at [email protected] or 6271 2679
$20,000For families of frontline workers and community volunteers

Dependants of frontline workers and community volunteers are also eligible for the Education Grant
$10,000For families of other persons who have succumbed to the virus
For Healthcare Workers who contracted COVID-19 in the course of employment$5,000
Healthcare workers who have contracted COVID-19 while working in environments which held COVID-19 patients or providing services which would reasonably bring them in contact with confirmed/suspected COVID-19 patientsMore details here
For Frontline workers and community volunteers who contracted COVID-19$3,000Scope of services provided would reasonably bring the applicant in contact with positive/suspected COVID-19 patientsMore details here
For Lower-Income Households affected by COVID-19$1,000 if the household income is ≤$650 per capita
$750 if the household income is between $651 and $1,350 per capita
$500 if the household income is >$1,350 per capita
- At least one household member is SC or PC
- At least one household member has contracted COVID-19 or placed on SHN, LOA or QO
- Household has current gross monthly income of ≤$6,200, or current gross monthly per capita income of ≤$2,000
- Experienced a complete or partial (of at least 10%) loss of household income due to contracting COVID-19
More details here

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About Xue Miao
A millennial who is learning to adult. She doesn't believe in the rat race and hopes to live on a farm someday.
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