facebookHome Improvement Programme (HDB HIP): All You Need To Know & How To Prepare Yourself


Home Improvement Programme (HDB HIP): All You Need To Know & How To Prepare Yourself

profileHui Juan Neo


Home owners would agree that home renovation somehow, always comes with unpleasant experiences.

Just recently, I chanced upon a friend’s social media detailing her experiences with HDB’s Home Improvement Programme (HIP), and it wasn’t… very smooth.

I’d like to highlight that you might want to pay extra attention when going through this programme in case you want to be part of it.

Let’s find out!

Source: Giphy

TL;DR: HDB Home Improvement Programme And What to Take Note Of

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What is The HDB Home Improvement Programme (HPI)?

The HIP is a home refurbishment programme for flats built up to 1997 (originally 1986, but extended since 2018).

Once HDB has determined that your HDB block qualifies for the HIP, the statutory board will conduct a poll among residents. Once 75% of residents vote for it, the upgrading works will then commence.

What Improvement Works Are Included in the HIP?

There are three parts to the HIP and they are namely:

  1. Essential Improvements
  2. Optional Improvements
  3. Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE)
Home Improvement Programme
Essential ImprovementsReplacement of toilet waste pipes

Repair of UPVC toilet waste pipes if leaks occur

Repair of spalling concrete and/or structural cracks

Replacement of pipe sockets with clothes drying racks or replacement of ground floor fixed standalone laundry rack if applicable

Upgrading of electrical supply (can be conducted after HIP is done)
Optional ImprovementsNew external retractable clothes drying rack

New entrance door and gate (HDB will determine if your flat requires a fire-rated or non-fire-rated; you can opt for a fire-rated door if the current version is not)

New refuse chute hopper

Package to upgrade existing toilets with larger tiles and better quality sanitary fittings with modern designs (toilets must pass a water test for leaks to prevent ceiling leaks in the flat below)
Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) Improvements (not limited to HIP)Installation of grab bars: 8 to 10 grab bars for your first toilet, and 6 grab bars for your second toilet

Slip-resistant treatment to floor tiles of toilets/ bathrooms of up to 2 bathrooms

Up to 5 ramps within flat to level floorings in the flat or at the single-step main entrance.

The Optional Improvements are additional features you can add on, apart from just the basic renovation. This, of course, comes with additional costs.

Unlike the Essential and Optional Improvements, the EASE improvements are designed to incorporate elderly-friendly home elements (e.g. ramps or anti-slip).

If your block did not qualify for HIP, but you have an elderly member residing with you, you are still able to opt for EASE through EASE (Direct Application) with subsidies up to 95% of the total cost.

How Long Will The HIP Take?

Source: Giphy

You’ll be surprised… the whole process is estimated to be 10 business days, excluding Sundays and Public Holidays!

If you didn’t opt for toilet upgrading, the upgrade would only take 4 days.

The operating hours for renovation are 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday.

It is required that at least 1 adult is present during the HIP works. HDB will notify you in advance for you to process your annual leave if needed.

Is There a Warranty Period For HIP?

There is technically no warranty period per se, but before the handover, you are allowed to check for defects, holes/gaps, grouts, the height of tiles and stains!

Take this opportunity to make sure everything is fine and if not, sound it out to the contractor.

At the end of the renovation, the contractor will pass you an acknowledgement for signing.

Pro-tip: You don’t have to sign the form on the spot. As long as the HIP project is still ongoing in the estate, you can still sign the form at the contractor’s office.

What’s The Process of HIP?

This is roughly what the HIP process will look like:

  • Material selection
  • Hacking and drilling
  • Cement walls and floors
  • Coating waterproof layer
  • Waterproof check
  • Tile installation
  • Basin and toilet bowl
  • Water and electricity check
  • Grab pole
  • Waterproof check
  • Pipe maintenance

If you choose to replace everything as your household items are really old, keep in mind that you will need to source your materials beforehand, and the deadline to do so is a day before the installation day.

Some of the things you might want to replace include:

  • Lighting
  • Tap (i.e. bib tap)
  • Bidet spray
  • Knob to turn on water heater (i.e. stop cock)
  • Water Heater
  • Toilet accessories (e.g toilet paper holder, rack)

Cost of Home Improvement Programme

The Government covers the cost of all essential improvements in full and heavily subsidises the optional improvement works.

This is a detailed breakdown of the total costs:

Optional Improvement Costs
Flat TypeYou PayGovernment Pays
1/2/3-room$630 (5%)$11,970 (95%)
4-room$945 (7.5%)$11,655 (92.5%)
5-room$1,260 (10%)$11,340 (90%)
Executive$1,575 (12.5%)$11,025 (87.5%)
EASE Costs
Flat TypeYou PayGovernment Pays
1/2/3-room$125 (5%)$2,375 (95%)
4-room$187.50 (7.5%)$2,312.50 (92.5%)
5-room$250 (10%)$2,250 (90%)
Executive$312.50 (12.5%)$2,187.50 (87.5%)

Temporary Toilet Is Free, But Cleaning Is Not Free

Source: eforeeeyore.com

If you’ve opted to refurbish your toilets, your toilets will not be functional during the HIP.

To this, HDB has a solution where there’ll be temporary toilets in the void deck. Alternatively, some contractors will provide a portable toilet for your “small businesses” at home.

Before we forget, you will be tasked to clean up yourself…

If you intend to hire someone to do the cleaning, be prepared to fork out $300 to $1,600 too.

Can You Use CPF to Pay For HIP?

Yes, you can!

You can use your CPF monies to pay for these costs, in full, if you wish. Alternatively, you can pay in monthly instalments.

Some ways to pay your HIP bill include your CPF via Singpass, PayNow, or AXS channels.

Costs For Households of Singapore Permanent Residents (PR)

Singapore PR households will have to pay the full upgrading cost. They can be reimbursed accordingly if they obtain citizenship within the next year.

Read more:

What Do You Need To Prepare For HIP And Where Do You Stay?

There are several extremely important things you need to do.

First, it is dust-proofing your house and covering all electrical sockets at home. Make sure you seal everything up with plastic sheets that can be found in hardware stores.

Unfortunately, there is no make-shift home under the HIP, hence you have to be prepared to shift from room to room, or find an alternative place to stay while the renovation is ongoing!

If you’d like to have a deeper dive into the entire HIP process, there is an author, E, who has shared her experiences in four extensive blog posts.

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About Hui Juan Neo
A savvy shopper and foodie at heart, I'm always on a lookout for discounts and deals to snag the best bargains.
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