facebookThe Ultimate Guide To HPV Vaccines Singapore For Both Male and Females Against Cancer



The Ultimate Guide To HPV Vaccines Singapore For Both Male and Females Against Cancer

profileCherie Tan

What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?

HPV is a group of common viruses that cause infections in both men and women.

With more than 150 related viruses, each virus is given a number (HPV type).

HPV is transmitted through intimate skin-to-skin contact, and most infected persons do not show any signs or symptoms.

And HPV infection has no treatment or cure.

Is HPV Common in Singapore?

Yes, 8 out of 10 people will get HPV at some point in their lifetime as reported by the Singapore Cancer Society.

Though HPV infections clear up on their own and generally do not cause any problems.

However, infections sometimes will not go away.

These persistent infections by certain HPV types can cause cancer and other diseases over time.

In fact, virtually all cervical cancer cases (99%) are linked to genital infection with HPV.

What can HPV infections cause?

HPV TypesDiseases / Cancer causedAffected Gender
6 and 11Genital wartsMale, Female
16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58
Cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and anal cancersFemale
Anal, penile cancerMale

Yes, it does affect males as well.

While it has been heavily marketed as prevention for cervical cancer, HPV vaccines can prevent males from genital warts, anal cancer etc.

If more men were to be vaccinated, it reduces the risk of transmission of HPV to women – who possess a higher risk of life-threatening cancers once infected.

Also, as more women get vaccinated, it also reduces the man’s risk of HPV related diseases as mentioned above.

As it is uncommon for men to seek HPV preventions, they are unable to use their Medisave for any HPV vaccinations.

3 Types of HPV Vaccines

 HPV VaccinationsProtect Against HPV Types
1Cervarix*16, 18
2Gardasil 4 / HPV 46, 11, 16, 18
3Gardasil 9 / HPV 96, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58

*Cervarix is only approved for use in women and girls.

  • Gardasil 4 reduces your risk of cervical cancer to 30%
  • Gardasil 9 reduces your risk of cervical cancer to 10%

Gardasil 9 is much more effective but also since it is new, it is currently not Medisave-claimable.

According to a doctor – I’ve asked, he told me that if you are not sexually active or if you only plan to have 1 partner, Gardasil 4 would be sufficient and it is Medisave-claimable. 

That recommendation would most likely be according to my lifestyle and needs.

Most importantly, do seek your doctor’s opinion and recommendation before making your decision on which dosage you should go for.

How much is HPV vaccine in Singapore?

  • HPV vaccines range from S$300 to S$800
  • Medisave-claimable up to S$500 (For Cervarix and Gardasil 4 only): You can also use your own Medisave or your immediate family members (e.g. parents or spouse) to help pay for the vaccination

According to The Straits Times, many of us are still not keen on getting vaccinated, despite HPV vaccines being around in Singapore for over a decade.

If only people are aware of the ridiculously EXPENSIVE cancer treatment costs in Singapore…

I’m sure they would be willing to fork out a seemingly small amount of money for the HPV vaccines instead.

How Much Do Clinics Charge for HPV Vaccinations?

Realising the importance of HPV vaccinations, the government has provided higher subsidies for nationally recommended vaccinations listed on the Subsidised Vaccine List (SVL) administered at CHAS GP clinics from 1 November 2020 onwards.

With that, CHAS GP clinics are providing HPV vaccinations at highly subsidised rates.

Gardasil 4 / HPV 4
Gardasil 9 / HPV 9
(Not MediSave-claimable)
All CHAS GP ClinicsCHAS Blue/Orange:

CHAS Green/Non-CHAS:
DSC ClinicS$285S$570
Asia Health Partners Pte LtdS$385.20S$385.20S$695.20
Zenith Medical ClinicS$465 (Before GST)S$750 (Before GST)
Kensington Family ClinicS$390 (Before GST)S$660
Tanjong Pagar Medical ClinicS$417.30S$706.20
Telok Blangah ClinicS$449.40S$706.20
Dr. Tan and PartnersS$450S$660
KK Women’s and Children’s HospitalS$531
Raffles Medical GroupS$395.90S$395.90S$688

*Prices are accurate as of the day of writing. Do call up the clinic to confirm the prices before booking your appointments. 

How Many Doses Do You Need?

AgeHow many doses?Intervals
9-13 years2 doses6 months
14-26 years3 dosesAfter 1st dose: 2 months,
After 2nd dose: 4 months

Who should have HPV vaccination?

  • All unvaccinated female AND males
  • Ages 9 to 26 years old

The HPV immunisation vaccine may not be suitable for you if:

  • you are sensitive to yeast or any of the vaccine components
  • you have a moderate or severe acute infectious illness (please wait until you have recovered from the illness)

Please consult the doctor to find out whether the vaccination is suitable for you.

Is HPV vaccine necessary?

No, HPV vaccines are not compulsory but they are recommended as prevention.

HPV vaccines work best before you have started having sex or sexual activity.

Even if you have started having sex or sexual activity, you can still be protected against the other types of HPV that you have not been exposed to.

You should still undergo routine cervical cancer screening via a Pap smear test every 3 years even after you have been vaccinated especially if

  • You are sexually active
  • Above the age of 25

It is important to seek a professional doctor for advice before deciding if HPV vaccinations are suitable for you.

Free Opt-in Cervical Cancer Vaccine for Female Sec 1 Students

Good news to those who are still in Secondary school!

From April 2019, all female Secondary 1 students who are Singaporean or permanent residents have been able to opt-in for a one-time free vaccination to protect them against cervical cancer.

Those of similar age who are studying in private educational institutes will also be offered the fully-subsided vaccination.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) also announced that it will adopt a more accurate cervical cancer test which will allow women to test every five years instead of three.

These measures are part of MOH’s move towards increasing disease prevention so as to reduce the strain on healthcare services in the future.

HPV Vaccination and Cost in Singapore

Taking the HPV would be a great way to reduce the risks of cervical cancer, which is one of the leading cancers in Singapore.

Given the highly subsidised rates for these vaccinations, there is not much of a reason to not get your HPV shot.

That’s besides going for regular health screenings at your preferred family clinic or at selected Screen for Life (SFL) GPs.

Any concerns or queries on getting your vaccinations? Feel free to voice them out at Seedly!

About Cherie Tan
Turning finance into boba-sized pieces. One iced milk boba tea, please!
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