facebookFresh Graduate: JKYL Investment Blog Shares His Best Financial Advice And Investment Portfolio For Investors With Low-Risk Appetite




Fresh Graduate: JKYL Investment Blog Shares His Best Financial Advice And Investment Portfolio For Investors With Low-Risk Appetite

profileMing Feng

Kicking Off Your Investment Journey

Most of us have a misconception that kicking start our investing journey requires huge capital, and having a portfolio that consists of a crazy number of stocks and investment instruments. Due to this misconception, lots of young working adults avoid having an early start, missing out on a lot of good years.

JYKL Investment Blog‘s portfolio and financial advice in our opinion is a really good example of how most fresh graduates should view investing. It is not necessarily always about having the best stocks with out of the world returns. Having your money parked in the best savings account, in fact, is more than half the battle won.

JYKL Investment Blog, through simple investment and with the best savings accounts managed to save up an asset of more than $300k at the moment. Here’s how his portfolio looks like.

What Percentage Of Your Monthly Income Do You Invest?

I invest around 30% of my salary (after CPF).
For the rest of the 70%, 30% goes into my emergency funds and the rest of the 40% is for my personal and family expenses.

What Are Some Of The Areas You Look Out For When Choosing The Right Instrument To Invest In?

The areas I mainly look out for are, low risk:
  • OCBC 360, UOB one account can earn good interest by satisfying the requirements set by the banks and your money is pretty safe.
  • Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) because it is backed by the government and it is a good way to start with investing with as little as $500. It provides a reasonable return of 2% to 3% returns which will be sufficient for conservative investment approach.
  • Another thing that I look out for is going for stable blue chips (take note that it is important to understand what they do and the business model of the company that you buying matters)

Can You Share With Us A Quick Overview Of Your Portfolio?

At the moment, I put 60% in OCBC 360 and UOB one account (interest is stable and it allows me to use the money as soon as I need it).
25% of my money will be in Singapore Savings Bond (SSB).
The last 15% will be in stocks where I invest 10% in Singtel and 5% in Keppel DC REITs.

Any Advice For Singaporeans Who Are Just Getting Started On Their Investment Journey?

Start early, know your risk appetite and understand what you are investing. For those who are just starting, do go for safer options such as SSB, fixed deposit and OCB 360/UOB one before jumping into stocks.
If you are like me (with low-risk appetite), you will face difficulty when the price of your invested stocks decline. Investors with low-risk appetite usually end up buying high and selling low, which is not a good way to invest moving forward.


About Ming Feng
A stint in Bloomberg gifted me with a beer belly, which only grew larger when I moved on to become a Professional Trader. Now I turn caffeine into digestible finance-related content.
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