How To Lou Hei Yu Sheng (捞起魚生): Lou Hei Phrases Guide (Plus Exclusive Lou Hei App)
Different parts of the world have different traditions for celebrating Chinese New Year.
Here in Singapore, one of the many traditions we observe is Lo Hei, or Lou Hei Yu Sheng.
Given that we only Lou Hei once a year and most of us are the ‘jiak kantang’ (Hokkien: Eat potato, used to describe someone who is Westernised) types.
It’s no surprise that we have difficulty remembering the steps and what to say when we Lou Hei Yu Sheng.
Since Lou Hei is about ushering in the new year with better prospects and fortune.

And we’re all about making smarter personal finance decisions…
TL;DR: Use Seedly’s Lou Hei Yusheng Tool and Succeed in Life
Introducing… the step-by-step guide and our specially patented Seedly Lou Hei Yu Sheng tool to help you Lou Hei like a pro:
If you want your year to be filled with 龙-gevity, click till the end to receive your lucky 4D number for the year.
Do note that this number is for your ‘HUAT’ only, very much like how you will huat and make better personal finance decisions by involving yourself with the Seedly community if you have an account with us.
Yu Sheng Words: What To Say During Lou Hei
Tired of mumbling incoherent rubbish when everyone’s shouting Chinese auspicious sayings?
Here are the 11 steps to Lou Hei Yu Sheng and what to say for each ingredient when it’s tossed in.
1. Sashimi Slices (生鱼, Sheng Yu)
What to Say
年年有余 (Nian Nian You Yu)
What It Symbolises
Abundance and surplus throughout the year. Also, to have more (insert whatever you like) with each passing year.
2. Pomelo (柚子, You Zi)
What to Say
大吉大利 (Da Ji Da Li)
What It Symbolises
Great prosperity, good fortune, and good luck
Note: It can also be replaced with limes.
3. Pepper & Five Spice Powder (胡椒粉 & 五香粉, Hu Jiao Fen & Wu Xiang Fen)
What to Say
招财进宝 (Zhao Cai Jin Bao)
What It Symbolises
To attract great wealth and treasures into your life.
4. Oil (油, You)
What to Say
财原广进, 一本万利 (Cai Yuan Guang Jin, Yi Ben Wan Li)
What It Symbolises
As the oil is being poured all over the ingredients (usually in a circle), it symbolises the growing increase in profits by at least 10,000 fold.
And for money and wealth to flow into your life from every direction possible.
Y’know, coz oil mah…
It’s a precious commodity with high value, and it flows everywhere.
5. Shredded Carrot (红萝卜, Hong Luo Bo)
What to Say
鸿运当头 (Hong Yun Dang Tou)
What It Symbolises
The inevitable arrival of good luck in your life.
Very useful, especially if you’re planning to play a little Ban Luck this Chinese New Year…
6. Shredded Green Radish (青萝卜, Qing Luo Bo)
What to Say
青春永驻 (Qing Chun Yong Zhu)
What It Symbolises
To remain young forever and to have eternal youth.
7. Shredded White Radish (白萝卜, Bai Luo Bo)
What to Say
步步高升, 风生水起 (Bu Bu Gao Sheng, Feng Sheng Shui Qi)
What It Symbolises
Prosperity in business and promotion at work. In particular, to achieve greater heights in everything you set out to do.
8. Sesame Seeds & Peanuts (芝麻 & 花生粉, Zhi Ma & Hua Sheng Fen)
What to Say
金银满屋, 生意兴隆 (Jin Yin Man Wu, Sheng Yi Xing Long)
What It Symbolises
For your house to be filled with gold and silver (wealth).
And for your business to flourish with every increasing profit!
9. Golden Crackers (薄脆饼干, Bao Cui Bing Gan)
What to Say
遍地黄金 (Bian Di Huang Jin)
What It Symbolises
That there will be gold on the ground which you walk on — representing more wealth than you can ever spend.
10. Plum Sauce (酸梅酱, Suan Mei Jiang)
What to Say
甜甜蜜蜜 (Tian Tian Mi Mi)
What It Symbolises
A sweet and ever-loving relationship between family members and couples.
Very important since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…
11. Toss The Lou Hei Yu Sheng
What to Say
发啊 (Huat Ah) and anything else that’s auspicious. Works best if shouted at the top of your lungs.
What It Symbolises
The higher you toss, the more wealth you get, and the higher the chance of all your wishes coming true.
Why Do We Lou Hei Yu Sheng During Chinese New Year?
Lou Hei is Cantonese for ‘tossing’ or ‘mixing’.
And Yu Sheng is Chinese for ‘raw fish’.
Which can also mean an abundance of wealth, a bountiful harvest, and a long life.
For those who are familiar with Lou Hei Yu Sheng, it involves the shouting of auspicious phrases and tossing of Yu Sheng before sharing it with friends or family.
It’s believed that the higher the toss, the better your prospects and fortune will be in the year ahead.
So… Who Started This Tradition of Lou Hei Yu Sheng?
Just like how Singaporeans and Malaysians cannot agree on who started or has the best nasi lemak or bak kut teh.
The origins of Lou Hei Yu Sheng is another controversial topic, with both sides of the Causeway laying claim to being the creator of this iconic Chinese New Year dish.
But if we do a little digging on the internet, you’ll find that the current form of Lou Hei Yu Sheng actually harkens back to the Southern Song Dynasty.
It was believed to have originated from the provinces of Chao Zhou and Shan Tou.
Ironically, the tradition of Lou Hei Yu Sheng isn’t as widely practised in China as it is in Singapore and Malaysia.
But seriously, who cares where it’s from?!
We all just want to toss the Yu Sheng as high as we can to get as much luck as we can get.
And most importantly, get your hands on the golden crackers and salmon sashimi.