facebookThe NEW Seedly Blog: As Explained By A Sex-Ed Teacher




SeedlyReads Seedly Blog Revamp

The NEW Seedly Blog: As Explained By A Sex-Ed Teacher

profileKenneth Fong


You’ve probably noticed some differences to the Seedly blog lately and realised that it’s now called SeedlyReads.

I want you to know that all of this is completely normal.

Just like the changes that your body went through… this is all part of a natural cycle.

It’s important to remember that any uncomfortable or strange sensations that you might feel are part of a sometimes awkward but completely normal process.

Even if the blog seems alien to you right now and you’re asking yourself, “Is this REALLY the Seedly blog that I’ve known for so long? It looks and feels so different!”

Take a deep breath.


And trust me when I tell you that it most certainly is.

Integration With Seedly’s Main Site

Some of you might feel that you’re going through this alone, and are weirded out that you can now log-in as a Seedly user.

Previously, this option was only available on the Seedly main site.

Click on the ‘Join’ button to log-in

Please don’t let this alarm you.

In fact, this is a good thing.

Especially if you experience the urge to do things you’ve never done before, and have questions because you’re unsure of how to act on these feelings.

For example, if you’re reading an article about how to get your first credit card, you might feel an overwhelming impulse to apply for one.

It’s a little like wanting to kiss someone you find attractive.

You want to do it.

But at the same time, you have questions and are unsure about how you should proceed.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

In fact, if you get overwhelmed at any point, you can now ask your questions immediately without having to leave the article you are reading.

Simply check “Ask anonymously” if you’re shy

And if you’re really shy, just check the “Ask anonymously” box and give the 40,000 strong Seedly community a chance to answer your question. No matter how embarrassing you think it might be.

This integration with Seedly’s main site is merely the first step of many. Eventually, you’ll be able to bookmark your favourite articles and even get personalised article suggestions!

Easier Navigation

Sometimes what you want to read is as unpredictable as your mood.

You may not understand why you’re suddenly angry, moody, or why you can’t seem to find a simple thing like a Life Stage Guide or Investments 101 on the main page.

This frustration that you feel is completely normal.

But what you need to is take a deep breath.

Calm down.

And mouse over “Content” at the top bar to see guides and categories at a glance.

Mouse over “Content” to see guides and categories at a glance

What if you’re reading an article and need to refer to a guide immediately?


Just look to the right.

Guides are conveniently located on the right sidebar


Whenever you feel as though the world is coming to an end, you need to remind yourself that “this is all part of the change that everybody goes through.”

An All-New Mobile Reading Experience

When reading SeedlyReads, some of you may like an article so much that you want to share it with your friends. That’s why a Share Bar was included so you can do it with a few taps.

But sometimes all you want to do is read in peace, and some of you may notice – like body hair growing in funny places – that the Share Bar might stick out in places you hope it didn’t.

While you can’t take a razor to the Seedly site like you can with your legs or underarms, you’ll notice that the Share Bar is now at the bottom of the page and in neutral colours to give you a smoother reading experience.

The Share Bar is now at the bottom

Oh, and you get scrollable tables now. So that should improve your experience when reading SeedlyReads on your phone.

Because everybody loves scrollable tables

Faster Search

Some of you may want to experiment with the Search Bar because you’re curious about what articles you might uncover. Just as you would with your body as it changes.

If it’s your first time, don’t be alarmed if your results come quick, since it only takes 1 second now.

For some things in life, speed is always appreciated

This is as compared to 14 seconds prior to the revamp.

Final Thoughts About SeedlyReads


Now that you have a better understanding of the changes to SeedlyReads, it’ll be easier for you to embrace them as you would the many changes to your body.

And if you ever feel like reading another publication instead to satisfy your personal finance needs, remember: you don’t have to act on every impulse you have.

Meet The Team Behind SeedlyReads

Now, on a more serious note…

The revamp of the Seedly blog was only possible with the combined effort a tight-knit team of engineers, writers and one designer.

From left to right: Sudhan, Pierre, Yixuan, Ming Feng, Rachel, Kenneth, Rebecca, Jacqueline

You’ve seen the new blog and you’ve been reading our articles. Now, it’s time to put a face to the team, which made all of this possible.

Yeap Ming Feng, Head Of Content

Before becoming a slavedriver this he was a Data Analyst at Bloomberg with a focus on earnings estimates in the Thai and Indian markets. Following that, he was a Proprietary Trader during the tumultuous period of Brexit and when President Trump won the election. He was also a writer with Dollars And Sense.

Now, he turns caffeine into digestible finance-related content and takes sole credit for his team’s work.

Pierre Teo, Software Engineer

Pierre is Seedly’s Employee #1 and is the mastermind who built the first version of the Seedly app. He is behind the many iterations of the app – which many in our Seedly community have come to love – over the years until its current form.

He is a self-taught Software Engineer who got his start in Hack Reactor, a software engineering coding bootcamp, and constantly upgrades himself to stay at the top of his game. Apart from the app, he works on the Seedly website and is responsible for the recent revamp of SeedlyReads.

Huang Yixuan, Product Designer

Yixuan is the first and only Product Designer on the Seedly team who also functions as a Product Manager of SeedlyReads.

Her background in UIUX allowed her to singlehandedly design the blog revamp and create everything else you see and love on the site.

Her day-to-day includes making ideas come alive, hosting brainstorming workshops, user testing, and illustration.

Kenneth Fong, Editor

A lifetime ago, Kenneth was an air traffic control officer who was involved in large-scale international and local exercises. He was also a staff officer who operated in the upper echelons of MINDEF HQ and wrote a gamut of content, which ranged from policies to white papers for the bigwigs in the Air Force.

Today, he applies the same exacting standards to SeedlyReads to ensure that it remains relevant to Singaporeans and the theme of personal finance. He occasionally dabbles in creating memes and creative writing (see above) but his interest lies in property.

As an owner of a 4-room BTO HDB flat, he shares his experience of homeownership through his articles to help young Singaporeans make smarter financial decisions.

Rebecca Liew, Senior Content Strategist

Rebecca is intolerant to many things — lactose, BS, new-fangled terms like ‘legit’ and ‘wanderlust’, etc.

A compulsive hoarder of words, thoughts and Hello Panda, she now attempts to form coherent sentences and is the creative force behind the comics you see on SeedlyReads.

Past platforms she’s written for include Time Out Singapore, RICE Media, TODAYonline and MarinaBaySands.com.

(Editor’s note: her intolerance is a totally legit thing)

Sudhan Purushothuman, Content Strategist (Investment Lead)

Sudhan Purushothuman has a passion for both aviation and investing. An aircraft engineer by training, Sudhan is the co-author of the best-selling Singapore-themed stock market investment book, “Invest Lah! The Average Joe’s Guide to Investing“.

Prior to writing for SeedlyReads, he was part of The Motley Fool Singapore, and covered thousands of articles on investing and the likes as an Investment Writer and Analyst. He has also been featured on radio stations such as 938NOW, Money FM 89.3 and Oli 96.8FM, discussing personal finance and investing.

Rachel Yeo, Content Strategist

Rachel takes pride in being the youngest (and most annoying person) on the SeedlyReads team. As the self-proclaimed pantry rat, she is interested in all things food-related: snacks, hawker food, coffee and etc.

Most of all, she loves getting involved in anything that has to do with social entrepreneurship.

After cutting her teeth as a writer at Chope, CPF Board, Eatbook, NUS Business Analytics, and ZULA, she now writes to increase the financial literacy of those who need it the most. If you’re curious about a topic that isn’t frequently talked about, she’s most probably the one who will cover it.

Jacqueline Yan, Content Strategist (Intern)

Having dedicated 3 years to learning about coffee and preaching its wonders to the masses, Jacqueline is Seedly’s resident coffee nerd.

Her obsession with preparing the perfect cup of coffee is also translated to her interest in all things related to CPF. As convoluted as it may be, she enjoys dissecting the various policies and creating simple-to-read pieces in order to help SeedlyReads readers understand CPF better.


About Kenneth Fong
I threw all of my money into the longkang once... because I wanted to see my cash flow.
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