I love inline skating and have been doing so ever since I was a kid…
So when my coach asked me if I wanted to become a coach myself, I took the leap.
Extra money while doing something you love? Who could say no?!

If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering if you should turn your hobby into a side hustle too.
But here’s what you really need to consider, from someone who just took a break from my own hobby-turned-side hustle, so you can make a proper and informed decision.
Should You Turn Your Hobby Into a Side Hustle?
It all starts by finding something we’re passionate about. It could be playing a sport, creating art, or anything else you enjoy.
For me, that was inline skating.
As a fresh graduate back then bouncing between internships while searching for a full-time job, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity when my skate coach encouraged me to take up coaching.
Earning money while doing something fun that I love? Sounds like a dream come true!
Initially, I didn’t really care much about the money. I was getting paid $10 per hour as an assistant coach and I had a lot of fun interacting with kids.
Soon enough, my pay was increased to $20 per hour as a regular coach. At that point, I was in the honeymoon phase of my side hustle, earning what I thought was decent pay while coaching.
But as time went on, many issues started to surface.
You’re Not Earning Enough For Your Time

As I progressed, my pay finally increased to $30 per hour, the highest any uncertified coach could get. And while I was happy enough at that time, that joy didn’t last for long as I started looking at the broader picture.
For context, I stay in the north and had to travel all the way down south for lessons. If I was lucky enough to teach a full day’s worth of lessons, I would essentially be taking up 11 to 12 hours worth of my time for six lessons which earned me $180.
This translates to about $16 per hour at best.
Of course, some might argue that it’s better than nothing. However, I also have a full-time job. One weekend burnt meant less time to actually enjoy other things I wanted to do.
This brings me to my next point…
Less Time To Actually Enjoy Your Hobby
Since I was coaching non-stop for a whole weekend, I would be too tired to actually skate and enjoy myself, even the next day.
This meant that I was left with weekday evenings after I was mentally exhausted from work. While I tried to go out for skate sessions as much as I could, there was definitely less time to enjoy it now.
A Side Hustle Is NOT a Hobby
As time passed, I realised that I was naive to equate loving skating with loving coaching. Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching people and sharing knowledge with people. And, I loved teaching (good) kids too.
But when push came to shove, with some of my students being tough to handle, things started to take a toll on me. With the lines between work and play blurred, the downsides of my side hustle sucked the joy out of my hobby.Β
That was the tipping point for me. After all, money can’t buy happiness.
That said, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t turn your hobby into a side hustle. But you’ll need to consider the above and do the following.
A Side Hustle Should Be Treated Like a Business
It doesn’t matter if your side hustle is working for someone else or if you are your own boss. Either way, you must treat your side hustle like a business to succeed.
Like any startup, the initial phase is going to be slow and you’ll really need to be passionate about what you’re doing to start seeing worthwhile monetary benefits down the line.
And since it is a business, you are essentially adding more work hours to your week. You’ll also have to deal with customers, both good and bad ones.
Despite what many other online blogs love to say, turning your hobby into a side hustle may not be for everyone. However, if you have considered the pointers above and are sure that you can manage, turning your hobby into a side hustle can be a fulfilling and possibly lucrative endeavor.
As for me personally, I’m taking a break from my side hustle in the meantime. Do remember to give yourself breaks too and don’t be too caught up in the “hustle” culture.
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