facebookWhy You Should Top Up $1 Into Your Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) Account




Supplementary Retirement Scheme

Why You Should Top Up $1 Into Your Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) Account

profileRebecca Liew

Been thinking ’bout retirement? Nope?

Source: tenor

Worry not, because I (unfortunately) fall in the same camp. But as insurance ads often remind us, it’s never too late to start. 

Enter: the Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS), which was introduced in 2001 to supplement your CPF retirement savings.

While it works on a voluntary basis, topping up your SRS essentially means you’re guaranteed your withdrawal amount at the current statutory retirement age of 62 – no matter if this is adjusted to, say, 65 years old several years down the road.

On that, here’s everything to know about SRS, and where it stands against the CPF Special Account (SA).

We’ve so far laid out the pros and cons of SRS, but how does it fare against planting your money in CPF SA – or a savings account?

SRS vs. CPF vs. CashSupplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS)CPF Special Account
(Savings Account)
Interest Rate0.05% p.a.

Note: returns can be higher depending on what you choose to invest in
4% p.a.0.05 to 1+% p.a. (realistic)
Yearly Contribution Cap For Tax Relief$15,300
($8,000 Personal + $8,000 Family)
Tax Deductible?YesYesNo
Withdrawal ConditionsAt 62 years old
(retirement age)

Note: if withdraw before, subject to 5% penalty
At 65 years old

At 55 years old
($5,000 if you have not met Full Retirement Sum FRS or Basic Reitrement Sum BRS with pledging of property. If you have met either one you can withdraw any amount above the sums)
How To StartOpen with DBS, OCBC, or UOBAutomatically enrolled for Citizens or PROpen with any bank

As you can see, it really comes down to what you’re looking for in retirement (I know, what an annoyingly PC statement – but whatchu want?).

It doesn’t take much effort to supplement your CPF savings, though.

Here’s how starting your SRS with as little as a dollar could set you up for an earlier withdrawal.

Setting Up Your SRS Account

It’s an easy three-step process to kickstart your account:

  • Login to your iBanking account
  • Under Apply, click on Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) 

  • Transfer a dollar to your newly set-up SRS account.

You’re all set!

Want more? We’ve covered the merits of an SRS account in this guide.

Would you set up an SRS account, or do you reckon your CPF SA savings would be sufficient for retirement? Tell us on our Facebook page! 


About Rebecca Liew
Lactose-intolerant, but also BS-intolerant. Having written for the likes of Marina Bay Sands and Time Out, I now spend my days saving up for my stationery shop retirement dream.
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