facebookUseful Telegram Channels That Every Singaporean Needs To Join


Useful Telegram Channels That Every Singaporean Needs To Join

profileCherie Tan

Did you know that Lee Hsien Loong is on Telegram and he has been updating me on his whereabouts and doings?


Have you been receiving his updates too?

If not, why not just subscribe to his Telegram channel so you can get PMs from PM Lee? Pun not intended.

In fact, while you’re at it, we’ve got a whole compilation of Telegram channels and bots which will make your life SO MUCH BETTER.

So, get ready to redirect yourself to every Telegram channels linked here and join them all!

From making your life easier by telling you when the next bus is or informing you of the latest news or deals, here goes!

TL;DR – Compilation Of Useful Telegram Channels In Singapore… SUBSCRIBE TO ALL LAH!

Did you know that there’s a Telegram Channel for every interest out there?

Further Reading: More Details On These Telegram Channels

Telegram Channels For Food Lovers

Food Deals for Singapore Foodies

A compilation of ongoing food promotions for all Singapore foodies to enjoy


Just Dabao

Just Dabao offers discounted prices of up to 70% on good food from bakeries, cafes and restaurants that have been unsold.

Get to save some money and also the planet when you order a shiok bag!


SG Food Deals

A Telegram channel for foodies where one can find the latest food promotions and discounts in Singapore!


SG Food Lobang

If you’re looking for more food lobangs, SG Food Lobangs consolidates the best food deals and discounts for you to check out.


SG Kiasu Foodies

Everyone loves food. ’nuff said. Just kidding, the team behind kiasu foodies work really hard to bring us the best food deals there is in Singapore through their Telegram channel!


Shop On Pickupp

Pickupp offers group buys of popular merchants and gets them delivered at relatively affordable islandwide delivery fees.

There are also occasional flash deals and discounts offering irresistible food at great prices!



A Telegram channel that provides reviews and recommendations on Singapore food.



Latest food promotions in Singapore!


Telegram Channels For Personal Finance

Seedly Personal Finance SG

For tips and hacks on personal finance and even market updates and news!


CPF Board

Trying to understand CPF better? Get to learn more about CPF tips and hacks through their official Telegram channel!



Get updates on personal finance content by DollarsandSense.sg!


Singapore Financial Independence Community

For any individual who is interested in the pursuit of financial independence in Singapore.


1M65 Singapore

1M65 needs no other introduction.

Beyond learning how to maximise our CPF, get personal finance tips and hacks from this channel!


Telegram Channel for Stocks Discussion and Trading

Chain Debrief Community

With the quick evolution of the cryptocurrency space, the Chain Debrief community shares ideas and opinions of all things crypto.



Another telegram group that talks about all things crypto.


SGX Invest

Receive latest market insights, sector and stocks performances.


SGX Market Updates

A place for the Singapore investment community to share information and updates.


The Real Rayner Teo

This Telegram channel is said to save retail traders from self-destruction.


Telegram Channels for Lifestyle

Date Ideas Singapore

Want to make the best first impressions for your date? Or after dating for YEARS that you guys ran out of ideas to go?



Goodlobang shares all the good deals that can be found in Singapore. Beyond just food deals, there are other promotions including photoshoots, cab rides, credit card deals and more!


Singapore Events and Places

A Telegram channel to update you on some of the place to go and events happening in Singapore.


SG Cab Promos

This Telegram channel is for all of your cab promo codes needs. They test the promos for Grab, Go-Jek, Ryde and ComfortDelGro taxis.


SG Budget Babes

This Telegram Channel brings you the latest beauty and fashion-related promotions and product releases you can’t miss in Singapore.


SG Student Promos

A Telegram channel just for students to update them about affordable deals.


SG Weekend Plans

A constantly updated list of events and things to do, so that you get to spend your weekends well.


SG Clubbing

Calling all party people. This Telegram chat is for all your clubbing and party needs, from guestlist to staying up to date on all the parties happening around Singapore.


The Woke Salarypeople

A more lifestyle approach towards saving money, retire before 65 and other cool stuff.



A Telegram channels for all your Singapore Promo Codes.


SG Concerts

The ultimate Telegram channel for concert updates happening in Singapore.


Singapore Freebies by Sharetings

This channel’s goal is to have a platform to reduce waste by connecting those who have unwanted items with those who need it.


SG Parent Things

Receive the latest updates on places to bring your kids, deals for parents and anything interesting to parents.


SG New Movies & Shows

Reviews of the latest movies and shows worth watching.


The Milelion

Another familiar name with a fanbase of its own, this channel is for anything travel-related, or even credit card deals and promotions!


TOTO Huat Bot

Not that we are advocating for you to spend all your money on TOTO but if you would like to get updates on the TOTO prize money, here’s one bot to subscribe to!

Let us know if you manage to overcome the odds to win prize money!

(Search @totohuatbot in Telegram to /start the bot)

Telegram Channels for News/Updates


The first word in business news.


Bus Time (bot)

This Telegram bot gives you the timing for Go-Ahead, NTU, NUS, SBS Transit, SMRT and Tower Transit buses! Simply send them your location.



Top stories from CNA


Customs And Msia Road

Find out everything about custom and Malaysia road conditions, fuel checks/ price updates, where them Police Bikes at, Traffic and Currency exchange.




Lee Hsien Loong


He even has his very own sticker pack made after him! How cute!

MS News

The official Telegram channel of Mustsharenews



If you are a fan of Rice Media’s content, here’s the channel to stay updated on their content.


SG MRT Updates

As the name goes, all announcements with regard to MRT will be announced here. Do check this before leaving the house or just pray you don’t get caught in them. 1 Share = 1 Prayer.


SG No.1 All In 1 Sharing/Updates

SGUpdate shares anything that is News or latest.


SG Rd Updates

Official channel to broadcast traffic situation and avoid traffic jams


ShiokBot (bot)

This channel is a helpful Singaporean bot. Get the latest Taxi Promos, weather updates, FX, your usual MRT breakdowns etc.


The Straits Times

Stay in the know with the latest news from Singapore and around the world


Zao Bao

The official Telegram channel of our mandarin newspaper.



Telegram Channels For Jobs, Part Time Jobs And Internships In Singapore

Event Part-Timers of Singapore

A Telegram channel to satisfy all your minimal time commitment cash needs.


Part-Time Jobs (Singapore)

If you are looking for something to help you earn that extra income or kill that free time, Part-time Jobs Singapore announces available job postings almost every day!

However, you are fighting with over 19 thousand people for slots like these so…fastest fingers first!


SG Part Timers #Snatchjobs

This Telegram channel helps ease your process of finding a part-time job in Singapore.


Singapore Part Time/ Contract Jobs – sgQuickJobs

A Telegram that announces Part-time, temporary positions and one-off project assignments.


Singapore Internship Opportunities

This is one way you can source for internships! Not as frequently updated as compared to part-time jobs Singapore but slots are quickly taken up so be quick and make your resume stand out!



Singapore Careers And Jobs Opportunities

A Telegram Channel to help you with your job and recruitment search!


Singapore Tuition Assignments

A channel for tuition agents to look for qualified tutors.


Tech Careers and Internships

A channel that connects Tech career seekers with employers.


WerkWerk SG

Career wisdom and job opportunities for savvy early career jobseekers in Singapore.


Telegram Channels For BTO Discussion

BTO Buddy

This Bot can monitor BTO units selection process and update you if your favourite units are taken up in real-time



HDB provides tips on planning for your home, including news updates on housing as well as upcoming developments.


Homeowners SG

Get tips on home organisation, the latest home deals as well as BTO and housing guides.


Singapore Renovation

Clueless about renovation after getting your house? Get tips from others from this channel to make sure your renovation process is a smooth one!


Telegram Channels For Airfare Promos/Travels

Airfare Promotions

A Telegram channel that curates the latest airfare promotions and notifies you right away.


SG Travel Promos

Keep you updated on the latest travel deals, discounts and promotions.


SG Travel+Lifestyle Hacks

Get travel deals, airfare sales, itinerary hacks, money tips and travel insurance promos.


We hope this list will help you make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

Especially when we are so busy, we can’t possibly keep updated with the news or food deals!

Thank you, admins and creators, of these channels that SAVE LIVES!


About Cherie Tan
Turning finance into boba-sized pieces. One iced milk boba tea, please!
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