facebookThe Ultimate Go-To Guide for Expats Coming to Singapore


The Ultimate Go-To Guide for Expats Coming to Singapore

profileCherie Tan

Settling down into a foreign place away from home normally can be summarised in 3 stages.

  • Stage 1: Researching on the Country You are Choosing to Relocate In (in this case, Singapore).
  • Stage 2: Arrival in Singapore – Settling Down.
  • Stage 3: Living like a Local by Optimising Your Expenses.

In this expats’ guide, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive guide to working in Singapore for expats like yourself so do bookmark this for future reference! 

Stage 1: Before Arriving in Singapore

You definitely would like to know what is in it for your finances, after knowing Singapore is one of the most expensive cities to live in according to CNN. Here are some articles that would give you a feel of how our sunny island lives.

Now, you would need to find a place to live in.

Bookmark this Expats’ Guide for easy reference while you are settling down into Singapore.

Stage 2: Arrival in Singapore – Settling Down

Now that you have arrived in Singapore, settling in Singapore would be your next step. Here are a few things that you should look into:

Getting a Mobile Plan

You definitely would like to remain contactable for your family and friends, and most importantly for your employer to reach you.

Moreover, if you would like to make your decision based on real experiences with telco services, here are some reviews on Mobile Plans for you to look at.

Read Community Reviews on Mobile Plans

Opening Your Bank Account

Choosing the Savings Account that is most optimal for you, one that has the most available ATMs maybe?

You will need your identification (i.e. passport), your employment pass, and a proof of residential address. With that, your bank account would be easily set up in a few working days. Do read the article for a more comprehensive guide.

Applying For A Credit Card

Different credit card caters to different needs. We have compiled a list of best credit cards according to their rewards structure. Whether you are looking for dining rewards, cashback, miles or even for overseas use. 

Before committing to any credit card, it is best to get opinions from existing users of the credit card, reading reviews on credit cards would really help you make your decision.

Read Community Reviews on Credit Cards

Sending Money Home

Living in a financial hub, there are many ways that you can transfer your money back home. With technology so advanced, it is effortless! However, with ease come fees. ?

There are different cost structure for sending monies to different countries, here at Seedly, we have done the hard work for you.

Insurance in Singapore

Health Insurance

Medical bills in Singapore can get quite exorbitant, insuring yourself with health insurance is one way you can reduce your expenses.

Life Insurance

Leaving home to work in Singapore to provide for your dependents, be it your parents or your children, is a great feat. Do give yourself a pat on the back! If you are not adequately insured back home, here are some ways you can look to insuring yourself in Singapore.  

Travel Insurance

If you travel often for leisure or for work, travel insurance is one thing you should never neglect. You will never know when a flight delay will happen!

Setting up the Internet Broadband for Your House

Stage 3: Living Like a Local By Optimising Your Expenses

Here at Seedly, we are always looking for tips and tricks we can stretch our dollar. In other words, we try not to spend money on things we do not necessarily need. With this, you are on your way to becoming a kiasu Singaporean.

Tracking your expenses would definitely help refrain yourself from overspending as well.

‘kiasu’ means “afraid of losing out” in hokkien dialect.

Some Tools to Help You Save Money

Apps for Food Promotion and Deals

Cheapest Food Delivery App

Cheapest Movie Providers

Bookmark this page as we will be frequently updating this article!

If you face any difficulties do feel free to share with us (you can do so anonymously too), we have an open community for you to hear from different perspectives which allows you to get help along the way. Check out our blog if you would like to learn more tips and tricks in Singapore!

Share with us if you have any experience with these or even a better alternative by commenting below! Also, don’t forget to share it with your friends who might need this!

With that, Seedly hopes you have a pleasant stay in Singapore, LIVE LIKE A LOCAL


About Cherie Tan
Turning finance into boba-sized pieces. One iced milk boba tea, please!
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