facebookFree Online Classes and Virtual Workouts to Exercise and Keep Fit




Free Online Classes and Virtual Workouts to Exercise and Keep Fit

Free Online Classes and Virtual Workouts to Exercise and Keep Fit

profileKenneth Fong

Did you know that a panda feeds for approximately 14 hours a day?

It’s the same with humans under quarantine.




That’s why this COVID-19 situation is a Panda-emic.

Get it?

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

Bad jokes aside.

I’m sure now that Chinese New Year (CNY) is over and I’m sure besides collecting that sweet ang bao money, you’ve had your fair share of CNY snacks.

At some point in time, you’ve got to stop stuffing your face and keep active as you hunker down and flatten the curve.

Otherwise, what’s the point of sorting out our personal finances if we fall sick and have to spend money nursing ourselves back to health right?


If you’ve got an internet connection and access to a laptop or a smartphone.

Then why not try some of these FREE online classes and virtual fitness workouts to exercise and keep fit?

Don’t be lazy, just consider this as an investment in your health lah

TL;DR: Free Online Classes and Virtual Workouts to Exercise and Keep Fit

Free Online Pilates Classes and Workouts

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that is particularly effective for those seeking to tone up, build lean muscle, as well as improve posture and flexibility.

While there are pilates classes that use equipment like a pilates reformer, you can also practice pilates without one (read: no excuses).

The basics are pretty much the same: exercises are done in a specific order, usually in succession with a LOT of focus on concentration and breathing.

Free Online Pilates Classes and WorkoutsType of WorkoutWhat To Expect?
blogilatesPilates15-minute "Apartment Friendly Workout" playlist by Cassey Ho on YouTube
Breathe Pilates SingaporePilatesPilates classes on IGTV
Off Duty PilatesPilates30-minute to 50-minute live classes on IGTV
TreamPilates15-minute to 30-minute classes online
Pilates LivePilates30-minute classes online

Free Online HIIT Classes and Workouts

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is an exercise that alternates intense exercise with short rest periods.

Most HIIT sessions typically last under 30 minutes and usually consists of a warm-up period, several repetitions of high-intensity exercises, and then a cool-down period.

It’s a pretty good way to get in a quick workout while you’re at home because most HIIT workouts only involve bodyweight exercises (read: don’t need any equipment, so… NO EXCUSES!).

Free Online HIIT Classes and WorkoutsType of WorkoutWhat To Expect?
BoOmHIIT35-minute workouts on IGTV
Box Office FitnessHIIT30-minute HIIT workouts (no equipment needed) or strength training classes on IGTV
Fitness First SingaporeHIIT30-minute HIIT workouts on Facebook Live and IGTV
Popsugar FitnessHIIT10-minute to 30-minute workouts by celebrity trainers and fitness experts on YouTube
Ritual GymHIITWorkouts, equipment-free alternatives, and stretches on Instagram
Thanyapura Phuket Sports and Health ResortHIITOnline classes with Thanyapura on Facebook
TreamHIIT15-minute to 30-minute classes online
True FitnessHIITWorkouts on Facebook and IGTV

Free Online Yoga Classes and Workouts

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

There are many different types of yoga styles and disciplines.

But collectively, it is a mind and body practise which combines physical postures, breathing techniques, as well as relaxation and meditation.

You only need a mat to get started.

Even if you don’t have one, you can use a blanket or towel and you’re good to go (you confirm have these at home right?).

Free Online Yoga Classes and WorkoutsType of WorkoutWhat To Expect?
AlomovesYogaPrelude to different yoga practices on YouTube
Fitness First SingaporeYoga30-minute yoga practices on Facebook Live and IGTV
HOM YogaYoga5-Minute to 1-hour long flows via the HOM Online Studio
Lululemon SingaporeYogaInstagram Guides for different Yoga workouts

10min Yoga Core Sweat exercise on IGTV
Popsugar FitnessYoga10-minute to 30-minute workouts by celebrity trainers and fitness experts on YouTube
Pure Yoga SingaporeYogaVarious yoga practices on IGTV
Thanyapura Phuket Sports and Health ResortYogaOnline classes with Thanyapura on Facebook
True FitnessYogaWorkouts on Facebook and IGTV
Yoga Movement SingaporeYoga30-minute yoga practices on IGTV
Yoga With AdrieneYogaUnder 10-minute to 1-hour long yoga practices on YouTube

Free Online Fitness Classes and Workouts

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | giphy

If you want a little more variety or alternatives to keep it fun.

The other fitness classes and workouts listed here range from dance to jump rope exercises.

And yes, they can all be done in the comfort of your home.

Free Online Fitness Classes and WorkoutsType of WorkoutWhat To Expect?
BoOmBoxing35-minute workouts on IGTV
Box Office FitnessBoxing30-minute workouts (no equipment needed) on IGTV
Evolve MMAMixed Martial ArtsMartial Arts techniques on Facebook and YouTube
Fitness First SingaporeBodycombat
Fitness at Home workouts on Facebook and Fitness First series on IGTV
Jump Rope DudesCardio6-minute to 30-minute jump rope workouts on YouTube
Popsugar FitnessBoxing
10-minute to 30-minute workouts by celebrity trainers and fitness experts on YouTube
Pure Fitness SingaporeCardioVarious workouts on IGTV
True FitnessAerobic
Workouts on Facebook and IGTV
Thanyapura Phuket Sports and Health ResortCircuit Training
Online classes with Thanyapura on Facebook
Circuit Training
Martial Arts
15-minute to 30-minute classes online

Keeping fit to look good is one thing. Keeping your finances looking good is another as well… and if you want that, this is where you need to be. 😉

Find it hard to muster the discipline for a workout? Here’s a guide to some of the cheapest and best gyms in Singapore if you’re willing to spend a bit on your journey towards a healthier body!

All the best for your workouts!


About Kenneth Fong
I threw all of my money into the longkang once... because I wanted to see my cash flow.
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