facebookCrossing the Rainbow Bridge: Pet Funeral Services in Singapore


Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Pet Funeral Services in Singapore

profileXue Miao

Owning a pet is more than just having a furkid.

It is having a loyal companion for you to come home to, and also a source of unconditional love and support.

Having that special bond with them makes it very difficult when they eventually leave us.

There was once a 6-year-old kid had an answer to why dogs have shorter lives than humans:

Source: Whisper

*cues tears*

While the death of a pet may feel distant and the thought itself might feel morbid, it is often good to be prepared for such matters.

With the recent hoo-ha surrounding companies handling such matters insensitively, it is important for pet owners to be able to approach trusted firms to handle these matters in a dignified manner.

Do note that cremation services for pets are not required to be licensed by the National Parks Board’s Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS).

However, AVS-licensed veterinary clinics have to be approved by AVS (and other relevant agencies) if cremation services are offered at their premises.

To provide these lovely companions with a dignified journey for their last moments on Earth, there are a number of companies that are offering funeral services for pets.

What Types of Pets Do These Services Cover?

The funeral services provided by in Singapore are rather well-rounded, with packages usually being categorised by the size of animals.

These sizes range from palm-sized to large-sized pets.

As compared to pet insurance which only covers dogs and cats, funeral services are available for most types of pets.

Most companies have handled pets ranging from fishes, birds, hamsters, and rabbits to tortoises, cats, and dogs.

Therefore, rest assured that there will be a suitable service provided for everyone. 🙂

Types of Services Provided

Similar to regular funeral rites, the types of services provided by these companies are pretty comprehensive, with companies providing support to pet owners from the beginning to the end.

It can also be highly customisable, where pet owners can choose the type of ceremony, and even engage pastors and Buddhist monks to perform the last rites.

Services like this typically cost hundreds, but it is often seen as a worthy expense given how much pets mean to us.


If requested by pet owners, there can be cleaning or basic grooming done for the pets.

This would ensure that the pets would look presentable while going through the process.


According to the owner’s wishes, a set up is usually done for the ceremony.

This includes decoration such as having a photo display, placing fresh flowers, having candles and other decorative items.

There can also be requests like laying the pet on comfortable beds along with their favourite foods and toys.

Ranging from customised caskets to having soothing music played during the ceremony, owners now have the choice to have a personalised and dignified send-off for their pets.

Types of Cremation

There are three types of cremation available – private, partitioned or communal cremation.

For private cremation, the pet will be cremated by itself, with family and friends being able to see through the process.

This method is gaining popularity due to the privacy it provides, and that the ashes could be collected afterwards

Partitioned cremation refers to the pet being cremated with other pets but in separate partitions.

The ashes can also be collected after the process.

For communal cremation, the pet will be cremated with the rest.

Owners would also not be able to keep the pet’s remains, and the ashes will be buried in the same burial ground or scattered at sea.

Private cremations would typically cost more than communal cremations, and cremations usually take 2-5 hours depending on the size of the pet.

Do also note that while it is often preferred to have the cremation done on the day of passing, cremation services are usually subjected to availability.

It’ll be advisable for owners to book a cremation slot to facilitate this process.

After-Cremation Service

For owners who would wish to have their pet’s ashes, there are a few options offered by different companies for after-cremation service.

These ashes can either be scattered at sea, or returned in an urn to be placed in a pet columbarium.

A recent addition is to turn these ashes into pet memorial products, such as gemstones, pendants or even tealights.

Companies Offering Pet Funeral Services

CompanyPet CremationColumbarium ServicesPet UrnKeepsake Jewellery
Mandai Pets Cremation CentrePrivate Cremation: $160 to $695+

Partitioned Cremation: $53.50 to $374.50

Communal Cremation: $21.40 to $428
YesFrom $148From $68
Mount Pleasant Pet Cremation Centre$20 to $800, depending on sizeYes--
Paws To Heaven$588No, sea burial availableFrom $148From $199
Pet Cremation SingaporePrivate Cremation: $250 to $650

Communal Cremation: $150 to $350

Rainbow ParadiseCremation for Palm Size Pets: $118

Small Size Pets: $168

Toy Breed (<10kg): $228

Medium Breed (10-20kg): $308

Large Breed (20-30kg): $388

X-Large Breed (30-40kg): $468

Huge Breed (> 40kg): $548 and above
-From $28$28 to 48
Sanctuary Pet CremationPrivate cremation: $230 to $580

Companion Cremation: $115 to $290

24-Hour Hotlines in Times of Emergency

As death is often unpredictable, it is important to have 24-hour hotlines to be available in times of need.

Thankfully, there are companies that are offering this service, providing professional guidance to owners when required.

Express Pet Cremation: 65844844

Mount Pleasant Pet Cremation Centre: 6250 8333

Mobile Pet Cremation Services: 9455 6355

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Pet Funeral Services in Singapore

It is often difficult to think about death, much less the deaths of our favourite companions.

From taking care of their health to making sure they are well-fed, it’s only natural to treat them as a sibling or a child.

While separation is difficult, know that it is only temporary and that they are now at a happier place.

Also remember that you’ve provided him/her the best life, and it won’t be long before you reunite with your furry friend again. 🙂

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About Xue Miao
A millennial who is learning to adult. She doesn't believe in the rat race and hopes to live on a farm someday.
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