facebookSAF Pay: Regular Starting Salary and Recruitment Bonus Schemes By SAF Ranks (Army, Airforce & Navy)


SAF Pay: Regular Starting Salary and Recruitment Bonus Schemes By SAF Ranks (Army, Airforce & Navy)

profileMing Feng


“And if all else fails, you can always sign on.”

Source: @highnunchicken | Instagram

As Singaporeans, we often joke about signing on as a backup plan if our results are cui (Hokkien for lousy), or if our first choice of career doesn’t work out.

But to give credit where credit is due, there are brilliant individuals who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the service of our nation.

So it’s NOT a dumping ground for those who “run out of options”. It’s a legitimate career for those who wish to answer a higher calling.

Since National Service (NS) is a statutory requirement for all male Singaporeans and the defence and security sectors are always short of manpower…

Putting your signature on that contract is a straightforward way to secure your career.

If you’re serious about signing on with the Singapore Armed Forces and dedicating your life to the service of our nation, then good for you!

But if you think that signing on just to get that recruitment bonus before you zao (Hokkien: abscond) is a good idea…

Then you might want to rethink your decision.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the starting salary and recruitment benefits for signing on with the Singapore Armed Forces.

Do note that the information is accurate as of 27 Feb 2024. If you’re not interested in the SAF, the Home Team is also another potential career path to consider.

TL;DR: SAF Pay — Regular Starting Salary and Recruitment Bonus Schemes By Singapore Army Ranks (Army, Air Force & Navy)

Singapore ArmyRepublic of Singapore Air Force
Singapore Navy
Officers Starting SalaryOfficers Starting Salary

Pilot, Weapon Systems Officer, Air Warfare Officer, UAV Pilot
Officers Starting Salary
Officer Cadet (OCT)A-Level/Diploma:
$2,620 - $3,360

Degree (Military Officers):
$4,640 - $5,840

Degree (Medical/Dental Officers):
$5,880 - $7,160
Officer Cadet (OCT)$2,790 - $5,600Officer Cadet (OCT)A-Level:


$4,940 - $5,840
2nd Lieutenant
$2,820 - $3,590

Degree (Medical/Dental Officers):
$5,880 - $7,160
2nd Lieutenant
$3,000 - $3,6602nd Lieutenant
$3,700 (Inclusive of ship board allowance of $350)

$3,940 (Inclusive of ship board allowance of $350)
$2,980 - $3,660

Degree (Military Officers):
$4,970 - $6,160

Degree (Medical/Dental Officers):
$6,650 - $7,160
$3,070 - $5,920Lieutenant
$3,770 (Inclusive of ship board allowance of $350)

$4,010 (Inclusive of ship board allowance of $350)

$6,060 - $6,510 (Inclusive of ship board allowance of $350)
Degree (Military Officers):
$5,400 - $6,940

Degree (Medical/Dental Officers):
$5,880 - $7,160
$5,440 - $6,940-
Recruitment Bonus for Officers$20,000
(Not Applicable for Sponsorship Recipients)
Warrant Officers/Specialists Starting SalaryWarrant Officers/Specialists Starting SalaryWarrant Officers/Specialists Starting Salary
Specialist Cadet (SCT)$1,960 - $3,060Aircrew Specialist (Recruit - 2SG)$2,170 - $2,970Recruit
(NDU Only)
$2,090 - $2,950
3rd Sergeant
$2,090 - $3,260Air Defence Systems Specialist
(Recruit - 2SG)
$2,270 - $3,1203SG
(NDU Only)
$3,100 - $3,960
2nd Sergeant (2SGT)$2,150 - $3,330-
Recruitment Bonus for Warrant Officer/ Specialist$35,000
(Not Applicable for Sponsorship Recipients)
Recruitment Bonus for Warrant Officer/ Specialist$20,000 – $35,000
(Not Applicable for Sponsorship Recipients)
Recruitment Bonus for Warrant Officer/ Specialist$46,000 (Not Applicable for Sponsorship Recipients)
Military Experts Starting Salary
(Vary based on vocation)
N-Level - Diploma:
$1,940 - $3,260
ME1-T/1$2,000 - $2,960ME1-T/1$1,940 - $3,630
(Vary based on vocation)
A-Level/Diploma/Tech Diploma: $2,620 - $3,330

$4,640 - $6,950
ME4-T/A$2,540 - $5,920ME4-T/A/1A-Level:
$2,540 - $2,730

$3,050 - $3,330

$4,530 - $6,640
Recruitment Bonus for Military Experts$15,000 - $36,000 (depending on vocation)
(Not Applicable for Sponsorship Recipients)
Recruitment Bonus for Military ExpertsUp to $25,000
(Not starting on or undergoing sponsored studies)
Recruitment Bonus for Military ExpertsUp to $36,000 (Depending on vocation)
Army Deployment Force
Specialist Cadet (SCT)$2,140 - $2,730
3rd Sergeant
$2,330 - $2,910
2nd Sergeant (2SGT)$2,390 - $2,970
Recruitment Bonus for ADF$35,000 (Not applicable for Sponsorship Recipients)
Singapore Army Contract Service (EOS / EWOS Scheme)Contract Service Officer:
$3,000 - $3,280
CSO Sign on Bonus:
$12,000 - $20,000

Warrant Officer:
$2,030 - $2,910
WO Sign on Bonus:
$24,000 - $35,000

While the recruitment bonus certainly looks attractive, that shouldn’t be the ONLY reason why you’re deciding to sign on.

Instead, you should be thinking of ways to use that money to grow your retirement fund or invest that money for your future.

So while you serve your country, your money can grow and serve you better in your retirement.

Don’t know where to start?

How about something simple like putting that money in a high-interest savings account?

That way, you’re not just getting a paltry 0.05% interest in your regular bank savings account.

Click to Teleport:

SAF Regular Pay, SAF Pay Scale and Salary and Benefits of Signing on with The Singapore Army

Source: The Singapore Army

The Singapore Army offers five different career progression schemes.

They are:

  • The Officers Scheme
  • The Warrant Officers and Specialists Scheme
  • The Military Experts Scheme
  • The Army Deployment Force
  • Contract Service (EOS/EWOS)

Singapore Army Officer Pay According to SAF Ranks: The Officers Scheme

A typical Singapore Army Officer receives a one-time Recruitment Bonus of $20,000 (not applicable for sponsorship recipients)

The average starting salary of a Singapore Army Officer depends on their military and academic standings. The nature of their vocation (combat or service) affects their starting salary too.

RanksMonthly Gross Starting Salary
A Level/Diploma
Officer Cadet Trainee (OCT)$2,620 - $3,360
2nd Lieutenant (2LT)$2,820 - $3,590
Lieutenant (LTA)$2,980 - $3,660
Degree (Military Officers)
Officer Cadet Trainee (OCT)$4,640 - $5,840
Lieutenant (LTA)$4,970 - $6,160
Captain (CPT)$5,400 - $6,940
Degree (Medical/Dental Officers)
Officer Cadet Trainee (OCT) / 2nd Lieutenant (2LT)$5,880 - $7,160
Lieutenant (LTA)$6,650 - $7,160
Captain (CPT)$5,880 - $7,160

Officers with strong military and academic standings would be accorded an additional top-up to their starting salary.

Singapore Army Officer Benefits

Savings And Employee Retirement Plan (SAVER)

The Singapore Army makes contributions of up to 17% of the Officer’s salary into SAVER accounts. This helps provide financial security by helping officers build up a retirement nest egg.

One month of SAVER Bonus is equivalent to one month of the last drawn salary. They will receive up to a 6-month SAVER Bonus at the end of their 6th SAVER year. On the 10th SAVER year, officers will receive up to a 5-month SAVER Bonus.

Flexible Benefits System (FLEX)

SAF Officers will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year


In addition, they are entitled to up to 21 days of annual leave, other leave and childcare leave:

  1. Full-pay Childcare Leave
    • 5 days per child below 12 years old;
      max of 15 days annually
    • 6 days per child below 7 years old;
      max of 42 days over a 7-year period
  2. Unpaid Infant Care Leave: 6 days per year for child below 2 years old

Other benefits include:

Source: SAF

Singapore Army Warrant Officers and Specialists Pay: The Warrant Officers and Specialists Scheme

A typical Army Warrant Officer receives a one-time Recruitment Bonus of $35,000 (not applicable for sponsorship recipients).

The average starting salary of a Specialist or Warrant Officer depends on their military and academic standings. The nature of their vocation (combat or service) affects their starting salary too.

They will kick start their journey as a Specialist Cadet Trainee (SCT) in the Singapore Army.

RanksMonthly Gross Starting Salary
Specialist Cadet Trainee (SCT)$1,960 - $3,060
Third Sergeant (3SG)$2,090 - $3,260
Second Sergeant (2SG)$2,150 - $3,330

Singapore Army Warrant Officer Benefits

Career And Retirement Endowment Account (CARE)

Upon attainment of 3WO rank, a monthly contribution amounting to 10% of a Warrant Officer’s monthly salary will go to their CARE account.

Premium Bonus (PrB)
One month of PrB is equivalent to one month of the last drawn salary.

Warrant officers receive PrB payouts upon completing their 3rd, 6th, and 12th year of service.

  • 3 years = Up to 10 months PrB
  • 6 years = Up to 6 months PrB
  • 12 years = Up to 22 months PrB

Flexible Benefits System (FLEX)

SAF Warrant Officers will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year


In addition, they are entitled to up to 21 days of annual leave, other leave and childcare leave:

  1. Full-pay Childcare Leave
    • 5 days per child below 12 years old;
      max of 15 days annually
    • 6 days per child below 7 years old;
      max of 42 days over a 7-year period
  2. Unpaid Infant Care Leave: 6 days per year for child below 2 years old

Other benefits include:

Source: SAF

Singapore Army ME Pay: The Military Experts Scheme and Military Experts Rank Pay

A typical Military Expert receives a one-time recruitment bonus of $15,000 to $25,000 (Not applicable for Sponsorship Recipients and ME4 & above).

The average starting salary of a Military Expert depends on his/her military and academic standings.

 Gross Monthly Salary
Army Engineer/ Army Engineer (Ammo)
N-Level - DiplomaME1-TME1-1
$1,970 - $2,740$2,250 - $2,960
A-Level - Diploma / Technical DiplomaME4-TME4-A
$2,840 - $3,190$3,050 - $3,330
$4,870 - $6,190$4,870 - $6,190
$4,940 - $6,260$5,280 - $6,260
Military Medical Expert
N-Level - DiplomaME1-TME1-1
$2,170 - $3,010$2,560 - $3,260
$2,170 - $3,010$2,560 - $3,260
A-Level - Diploma / Technical DiplomaME4-TME4-A
$2,620 - $3,140$2,820 - $3,250
$4,640 - $5,670$4,970 - $5,930
$5,000 - $6,130$5,400 - $6,950
Military Musician
N-Level - DiplomaME1-TME1-1
$1,940 - $2,680$2,280 - $2,830

Singapore Army Military Expert Benefits

MDES Experts Continuous Engagement And Learning (EXCEL) Bonuses

Military Experts with the Singapore Armed Forces are given an EXCEL bonus throughout their careers.

They will receive EXCEL Bonuses at ages 28, 32, 40 and 50.

The bonus is pegged to their age (1 year of service translates to 1 month of bonus):

  • At 28 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 4 months’ bonus
  • At 32 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 40 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 50 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus

Flexible Benefits System (FLEX)

SAF Military Experts will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year


In addition, they are entitled to up to 21 days of annual leave, other leave and childcare leave:

  1. Full-pay Childcare Leave
    • 5 days per child below 12 years old;
      max of 15 days annually
    • 6 days per child below 7 years old;
      max of 42 days over a 7-year period
  2. Unpaid Infant Care Leave: 6 days per year for child below 2 years old

Other benefits include:

Source: SAF

Singapore Army ADF Pay: Army Deployment Force (ADF) Scheme

One will receive a one-time recruitment Bonus of $20,000 – $30,000 when he signs on with the Army Deployment Force (ADF).

The Army Deployment Force offers two options depending on his qualifications.

RanksMonthly Gross Starting Salary
N-level - Diploma
Specialist Cadet$2,140 - $2,730
3rd Sergeant$2,330 - $2,910
2nd Sergeant$2,390 - $2,970

Do note that the salaries above are not inclusive of:

  • Additional monthly allowance of $200 for combat vocations and $100 for supply and transport vocations.
  • Mid-year and end-year bonuses
  • Performance Bonus based on individual military performance for the work year
  • Yearly Merit Increments based on individual military performance for the last work year

Singapore Army ADF Benefits: How Much Extra Is Combat Pay?

Flexible Benefits System (FLEX)

ADF soldiers will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year


ADF soldiers will be entitled to 14 to 21 days of annual leave, according to their educational level, service length and rank. They will also be entitled to 14 days of Medical Leave and 60 days of extended Hospitalisation Leave if they are warded.

Other benefits include:

Source: SAF

Singapore Army Contract Service: EOS / EWOS Scheme

In addition, there is also this new contract service where you can sign a short-term contract with the SAF to try things out first.

Under this scheme, you get to choose from 2- and 3-year contracts, and you will enjoy flexibility while having your long-term options open.

Singapore Army Contract Service Officer (EOS) Starting Salary

RankGross Monthly Salary
CombatServiceContract GratuityContract Length
Second Lieutenant (2LT)$3,000 - $3,220$3,000 - $3,2201 month of last drawn gross salary X Each year of service and proportionately thereof for any completed month of serviceUp to 3 years per contract; maximum 6 years of contract service
Lieutenant (LTA)$3,070 - $3,280$3,070 - $3,280

Source: SAF

Singapore Army Contract Service Warrant Officer (EWOS) Starting Salary & Recruitment Bonus

FeaturesEwos Contract
2 Years3 Years
EligibilitySingaporean Males / Females
Recruitment Bonus$12,000 - $24,000$20,000 - $35,000
Starting Salary$2,030 - $3,220
Renewal Bonus$5,000 - $6,000$7,500 - $10,000
Commitment Bonus$10,000 - $15,000$10,000 - $15,000
Contract Gratuity1 month of last drawn gross salary X Each year of service and proportionately thereof for any completed months of service
Contract LengthUp to 3 years per contract; maximum 6 years of contract service

Source: SAF

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Salary and Benefits of Signing on with The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)

Source: The Republic of Singapore Air Force

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) offers three different career progression schemes.

They are:

  • Enhanced Officers Scheme (EOS)
  • Enhanced Warrant Officers Scheme (EWOS)
  • Military Domain Experts Scheme (MDES)

RSAF Officer Pay According to RSAF Ranks: The Enhanced Officers Scheme (EOS)

The average starting salary of an RSAF officer depends on their vocation and academic standing.

VocationMonthly Gross Starting Salary (Degrees, Diplomas or A Level/IB)
Officer Cadet Trainee (OCT)Second Lieutenant (2LT)Lieutenant (LTA)Captain (CPT)
Pilot$2,790 - $5,600$3,000 - $3,660$3,070 - $5,920$5,440 - $6,940
Weapons System Officer (Fighter)
Air Warfare Officer (AWO)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot
(UAV Pilot)

RSAF Officer Benefits

As an RSAF Officer, you are eligible to receive an attractive package of benefits:

Source: RSAF

RSAF Warrant Officer Pay: The Enhanced Warrant Officers Scheme (EWOS)

A typical RSAF Warrant Officer receives a one-time recruitment Bonus of $20,000 – $35,000 (not applicable for award holders who are starting on or undergoing sponsored studies).

The average starting salary of a Specialist or Warrant Officer depends on their military and academic standings. The nature of their vocation (combat or service) affects their starting salary too.

Their average starting salary depends on their vocation and academic qualifications.

VocationMonthly Gross Starting Salary (Diploma or NITEC/Higher NITEC in any discipline)
RecruitSpecialist Cadet Trainee(SCT)Third Sergeant (3SG)Second Sergeant (2SG)
Aircrew Specialist
$2,170 - $2,630$2,270 - $2,730$2,460 - $2,910$2,520 - $2,970
Air Defence Systems Specialist
$2,270 - $2,740$2,380 - $2,860$2,580 - $3,060$2,640 - $3,120

RSAF Warrant Officer Benefits

As an RSAF Warrant Officer, you are eligible to receive an attractive package of benefits:

Source: RSAF

The RSAF will pay for health insurance premiums from retirement (at or after age 50) till age 60.

RSAF ME Pay: The Military Domain Experts Scheme (MDES)

A typical Military Expert receives a one-time recruitment bonus of up to $25,000 (if you have signed up for the Junior MDES vocations and are not starting on or undergoing sponsored studies).

The average starting salary of a Military Domain Expert depends on his/her military and academic standings.

VocationMonthly Gross Starting Salary
Air Force Engineer
---$2,540 - $5,700$2,730 - $5,700$4,530 - $5,700
Air Force Engineer (Flight Engineer)$1,970 - $2,400$2,040 - $2,450$2,240 - $2,650-
Air Force Engineer (Maintenance)/Air Force Technician$1,970 - $2,400$2,040 - $2,450$2,370 - $2,780-
Air Force Engineer (Supply Chain)$1,920 - $2,320$2,000 - $2,400$2,140 - $2,530-
Air Force Engineer (Digital Engineer)---$2,540 - $5,700$2,730 - $5,700$4,530 - $5,700
Senior Air Imagery Intelligence Expert---$2,790 - $5,600$3,000 - $5,920$5,060 - $5,920
Air Imagery Intelligence Expert$2,170 - $2,630$2,240 - $2,690$2,510 - $2,960-
Senior Air Operations & Systems Expert--$2,540 - $5,700$2,730 - $5,700$4,530 - $5,700
Air Operations & Systems Expert$1,970 - $2,400$2,040 - $2,450$2,240 - $2,650-

RSAF Military Domain Expert Benefits

As a Military Domain Expert, you are eligible to receive an attractive package of benefits:

Source: RSAF

You will also be sent for relevant MDES courses at key progression points to enhance your knowledge and have the opportunity to rise up the 8-rank structure.

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Source: The Republic of Singapore Navy

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) offers six different career progression schemes.

They are:

  • The Naval Officers Scheme
  • The Naval Warfare System Engineers Scheme
  • The Naval Warfare System Experts Scheme
  • The Naval Divers Scheme
  • The Military Medical Experts (Underwater) Scheme
  • The Naval Chefs Scheme

RSN Officer Pay According to Singapore Navy Rank: The Naval Officer Scheme

The average starting salary of an officer Naval Officer depends on the vocation and the candidate’s academic standing.

RankMonthly Gross Starting Salary
A-LevelDiplomaDegreeAdditional Allowances
Officer Cadet
$3,120$3,360$4,940 - $5,840Ship board: $350-$450

Submarine: $750-$850

2nd Lieutenant
Lieutenant$3,770*$4,010*$6,060* - $6,510*

*Includes shipboard allowance of $350.

Additional allowances:

  • Shipboard: $350 – $450
  • Submarine: $750 – $850
  • Diving allowance: $700 – $1,000

Naval Officer Benefits

Also, as Officers with the Singapore Armed Forces, naval officers are given a Savings and Employee Retirement (SAVER) Plan throughout their careers under the Officers Scheme.

  • Central Provident Fund (CPF) top-up account: Lower employee’s contribution compared to the private sector, allowing more take-home pay. Employer’s contribution matches that of the private sector.
  • Savings account: Funds will be deposited monthly for the first 10 years of service. Withdrawals can be made from the 7th year of service onwards.
  • Retirement account: Contributions start from the 7th year of service.
  • Service Bonuses:  Distributed from ages 45-50.

Naval Officer Flex Benefits

Not to mention that naval officers will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year

RSN ME Pay: The Military Domain Experts Scheme (MDES)

A typical Military Expert receives a one-time recruitment bonus of $15,000 (non-Diploma) to $25,000 (Diploma).

The average starting salary of a Military Domain Expert depends on his/her military and academic standings.

VocationMonthly Gross Starting Salary
Recruit3rd SergeantME1(T)ME1ME4(T)ME4(A)ME4
Naval Warfare System Expert
- Electrical & Control Systems
- Marine Systems
--Diploma: $2,740

Higher NITEC: $2,530

NITEC: $2,170
Diploma: $$3,630*

Higher NITEC: $3,430*

NITEC: $3,080*

*Includes ship board allowance of $350 and MDES Sea Assignment allowance of $320
Additional allowancesShipboard: $350 – $450
Submarine: $750 – $850
MDES Sea Assignment: $320
Naval Military Medical Experts (Underwater)--Diploma: $3,010Diploma: $3,260---
Additional allowancesShipboard: $350 – $450
Submarine: $750 – $850
Additional allowancesDiving allowance: $700 – $1,000
Naval Chef--Diploma: $2,680

Higher NITEC: $2,470

NITEC: $2,130

O-Level and Below: $1,940
Diploma: $3,180*

Higher NITEC: $2,990*

NITEC: $2,730*

O-Level and Below: $2,620*
Additional allowancesShipboard: $350 – $450
Submarine: $750 – $850

RSN System Engineer Pay: The Naval Warfare System Engineer Scheme

A typical Naval Warfare System Engineer does not receive a one-time recruitment bonus directly.

The average starting salary of a Specialist or Warrant Officer depends on their military and academic standings. The nature of their vocation (combat or service) affects their starting salary too.

Their average starting salary depends on their vocation and academic qualifications.

System engineers will also get the opportunity to receive professional accreditation as an Incorporated or Chartered Engineer from the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST).

RankMonthly Gross Starting Salary
A-LevelDiplomaDegreeAdditional Allowances
ME4 Trainee$2,840$3,050 - $3,190$4,870 - $6,190Ship board:

$3,050$3,260 - $3,330

Naval Warfare System Engineer Benefits

Also, as Military Domain Experts with the Singapore Armed Forces, system engineers are given three bonuses throughout their careers under the Military Domain Experts Scheme.

The bonus is pegged to their age (1 year of service translates to 1 month of bonus):

  • At 32 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 12 months’ bonus
  • At 40 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 50 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus

Naval Warfare System Engineer Flex Benefits 

Not to mention that system engineers will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year

RSN System Expert Pay: The Naval Warfare System Experts Scheme

A typical Naval Warfare System Expert receives a lump sum bonus of $36,000 (Diploma) or $26,000 (non-Diploma) upon joining.

The average starting salary of a Naval Warfare System Expert depends on his military and academic standings.

RankMonthly Gross Starting Salary
NITECHigher NITECDiplomaAdditional Allowances
ME1 Trainee$2,170$2,530$2,740Ship board: $350 - $450

Submarine: $750 - $850

MDES Sea Assignment:

*Inclusive of shipboard allowance of $350 and Military Domain Experts Scheme (MDES) Sea Assignment allowance of $320.

Naval Warfare System Expert Benefits

Also, as Military Domain Experts with the Singapore Armed Forces, system experts are given bonuses throughout their careers under the Military Domain Experts Scheme.

The bonus is pegged to their age (1 year of service translates to 1 month of bonus):

  • At 28 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 4 months’ bonus
  • At 32 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 40 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 50 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus

Naval Warfare System Experts Flex Benefits 

Not to mention that system experts will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year

RSN NDU Pay: The Naval Divers Scheme

One can choose to sign on as a Naval Diver on the Warrant Officer/Specialist career path.

The average starting salary of a Naval Diver Warrant Officer/ Specialist depends on his military and academic standings.

RankMonthly Gross Starting Salary
'O' Level passesNITECHigher NITEC/A-levelDiplomaAdditional Allowances
Recruit$2,090$2,310 $2,700$2,950Diving:
$700 - $1,000
3rd Sergeant$3,100*$3,320*$3,740*$3,960*

*Inclusive of diving allowance of $700.

Naval Diver Recruitment Bonus And Other Bonuses (Warrant Officer/Specialist Scheme)

  • A typical Naval Diver Warrant Officer/Specialist receives a one-time Recruitment Bonus of up to $46,000 upon joining as a Naval Diver (Not Applicable for Award Holders).
  • Career and Retirement Endowment (CARE) and Naval Diver CARE Accounts:
    Upon promotion to 3WO by the 12th year of service, monthly contributions will be made into CARE (10% of gross salary) and Naval Diver CARE (8% of gross salary) accounts to prepare them for their retirement.
  • Premium Bonus: Receive payouts at third, sixth and 12 years of service.
  • Monthly bounty and Special Forces Engagement Bonus: Divers are eligible for monthly bounty and special forces engagement bonuses.
  • Further Studies: Divers can pursue higher education through in-service sponsorships.

*Additional terms and conditions apply. Please contact Navy Recruitment Centre for more details.

Naval Divers Flex Benefits

Not to mention that Naval Divers will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year.

RSN Medical Expert Pay: Naval Military Medical Experts (Underwater) Scheme

A typical Naval Military Medical Expert will receive a lump sum bonus of $36,000 (Diploma) upon joining*.

*Additional terms and conditions apply.

The average starting salary of a Military Domain Expert depends on his military and academic standings.

RankMonthly Gross Starting Salary
DiplomaAdditional Allowances
ME1 Trainee$3,010Ship board: $350 - $450

Submarine: $750 - $850

Naval Military Medical Expert Benefits

Also, as Military Domain Experts with the Singapore Armed Forces, medical experts are given bonuses throughout their careers under the Military Domain Experts Scheme.

The bonus is pegged to their age (1 year of service translates to 1 month of bonus):

  • At 28 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 4 months’ bonus
  • At 32 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 40 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 50 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus

Naval Military Medical Experts (Underwater) Flex Benefits

Not to mention that medical experts will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year.

RSN Chef Pay: The Naval Chefs Scheme

A typical Naval Chef receives a lump sum bonus of $25,000 (Diploma) or $15,000 (non-Diploma) upon joining.

The average starting salary of a Military Domain Expert depends on his military and academic standings.

RankMonthly Gross Starting Salary
'O' level and belowNITECHigher NITECDiplomaAdditional Allowances
ME1 Trainee$1,940$2,130$2,470$2,680Ship board: $350 - $450

Submarine: $750 - $850

Also, as Military Domain Experts with the Singapore Armed Forces, naval chefs are given four bonuses throughout their careers under the Military Domain Experts Scheme.

The bonus is pegged to their age (1 year of service translates to 1 month of bonus):

  • At 28 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 4 months’ bonus
  • At 32 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 40 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus
  • At 50 years old, a Military Domain Expert receives up to 8 months’ bonus

Naval Chefs Flex Benefits Flex Benefits

Not to mention that naval chefs will be given credit points (1 point = $1) that they can use for Personal development, vacations, children’s daycare services, children’s education, medical claims, and personal insurance:

  • First six years of service: $600 per year
  • Seven to 12 years of service: $800 per year
  • 13 years of service onwards: $1,000 per year.

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Does SAF Have a Mid-Year And Year-End Bonus?

Similar to the Civil Service, SAF regulars do receive mid-year and year-end bonuses. This is on top of the 13-month pay (or AWS) that they will be receiving.

The mid-year bonus and year-end bonus are computed based on the substantive salary as of 30 Jun and 31 Dec respectively, and the number of days served till 30 Jun / 31 Dec, and are usually paid together with the July and Dec salaries respectively.

Army vs. Private Sector

Each job comes with pros and cons and signing on too.

If you’re on the fence, here are some considerations to help you think through:

Pros Cons
Stable income, harder to get ‘fired’ The contract usually lasts at least three years if you finish your two years of National Service
Recruitment bonuses will give you a good headstart financially If you quit the army after your contract and go back to a civilian job, you will have to compete with younger fresh graduates or fresh operationally ready people
Lesser chance of student debt if you secure a scholarship or further your studies while you’re serving in the military Most of the time because you are signed to a vocation, you will have to serve the same superiors
Welcomes candidates with O-level certificates, whereas the private sector often requires higher educational qualifications. Long working hours, especially for active combat units

Would You Sign-On?

Whether you have just received your A-Level results, are waiting to go to polytechnic or are currently serving your National Service.

Signing on is a serious decision that goes beyond the immediate monetary gains or (potential) financial returns.

It IS a stable job — we’ll always need a strong and well-equipped military to defend our rights — but it also comes with unlimited liability.

Beyond the smart uniform and cool tech which you will get to operate, you need to remember that when push comes to shove, it is you who will pick up arms to defend our nation and our sovereignty.

And if regimentation and discipline aren’t your strong suits, you’ll want to seriously reflect on whether this is the life you wish to lead.

To those who have decided, we hope you can use this guide to help you figure out where you might be since you chose to embark on a military career.

And we at Seedly salute and thank you for your service!

But if you are undecided and are at a crossroads, we hope you can use this guide to get a sense of where you might potentially be if you choose to sign on.

And if you have questions or need advice, you can always turn to our friendly community on Seedly for help!

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About Ming Feng
A stint in Bloomberg gifted me with a beer belly, which only grew larger when I moved on to become a Professional Trader. Now I turn caffeine into digestible finance-related content.
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