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You get to shop for people, declutter your life and even meet and make new friends! What more could we ask for?
Almost done with 2018, how to fully utilise your remaining annual leaves?
Planning for a long holiday this year? The Trans-Siberian expressway would be one of the more interesting trips you can take. After all, it IS the longest trip you can take on a single train (that is if you don’t intend on exploring every country you pass)!
How do we know if we are spending excessively? Here are 4 signs to look out for, and if you are guilty of any of this, it is time to put that "new year, new me" into play.
Over the past months leading up to Christmas, We have probably spent more than we should. Not to worry! You can make up for your overspending by looking through this list of items you SHOULD be buying after Christmas.
Where is the best place to go and if so, should we go for a buffet? We compare the best Buffets with their A La Carte prices so you know which to go for!
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