facebookHDB BTO Application: A Step-by-Step Guide To Applying for Your First HDB BTO



HDB BTO Application Guide

HDB BTO Application: A Step-by-Step Guide To Applying for Your First HDB BTO

profileMing Feng

The June 2024 HDB Build to Order (BTO) prices are finally out!

Interested in applying?

But first things first, you need to do a couple of things before you cast your ballot for a house.

We know that getting a house is complicated, and the number of administrative items you need to check off can be long.

So, check out our step-by-step guide below on applying for a BTO in Singapore!

TL;DR: A Step-by-step Guide to Applying for BTO in Singapore

To simplify, this is what you need to do:

BTO Process Timeline

Ballot Result Within 2 months after the application closed

E.g., Those who apply for June 2024 BTO will receive results around August 2024

Selection Period From 4 weeks after the ballot result and will last about 11 – 12 months

E.g., Those who apply for June 2024 BTO will get to select a flat around September 2024 to August 2025

Sign Agreement for Lease Within 9 months of booking a flat
Key Collection Vary based on the respective project waiting and completion time


HDB Requirements

BTO Eligibility Checks

You and your partner need to fulfil the following criteria:

HDB BTO Citizenship and Age:

  • At least one of the applicants is a Singaporean
  • The other applicant is either a Singaporean or a Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Either or both of the applicants are 21 years or older

HDB BTO Income Ceiling:

  • 2-room Flexi flats (99-year lease): $7,000
  • 3-room flats: $7,000 or $14,000, depending on project. Our press release on the sales launch will specify the income ceiling
  • 4- and 5-room flats:
    • $14,000; or
    • $21,000 if purchasing with extended or multi-generation family applying for a 3-Gen flat.

HDB BTO Property Ownership Conditions:

  • You do not own other local or overseas property
  • You have not sold any property within the last 30 months before Housing Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter application
  • You have never bought more than one new HDB/Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat or Executive Condominium (EC) before
  • You have not received more than one CPF Housing grant thus far
    • Or, you’ve only bought one of those properties and received only one CPF Housing Grant before.

Documents Needed for BTO Application

To check your eligibility, you can simply apply for an HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter, which has since replaced the old HDB Eligibility Letter (HLE).

With this letter, it will inform you of your eligibility to:

If you are a second-timer, it will also provide information on the resale levy/ premium you must pay if you purchase another subsidised flat from HDB.

For new HDB flats, you must obtain an HFE letter before the Build-to-Order (BTO), Sales of Balance Flat (SBF) sales launch, or open booking.

After all the necessary paperwork has been submitted, an HFE letter application typically takes about one month to process. However, processing could take longer during busy periods, like a BTO sales launch.

Therefore, this has to be applied BEFORE any launches, which HDB would state on its website.

Check out the respective documents here: HFE submission documents.

Which HDB BTO Scheme Are You Applying For?

Depending on the type of household you’re applying for, this may affect the housing grants you receive.

They are namely the Fiance-Fiancee, Married couples with child(ren), Multi-generation families, Orphaned siblings, Families with non-residents, Singles, Two-or-more Singles, and Senior schemes.

Also, you must ensure you have enough to pay for the initial costs listed below.

If you are purchasing your flat from HDB:

StagePayment DueMode of Payment
Submitting your application$10Credit Card
Booking a flatOption fee ($500 - $2,000)NETS
Signing of agreement for lease• Stamp duty
• Downpayment
• Cashier's order
Collection of keys• Stamp duty and legal fees
• Home Protection Scheme
• Fire Insurance
• Balance of the purchase price
• Cashier's order

If you are purchasing a Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat or Executive Condo (EC) from a developer:

StagePayment DueMode of Payment
Submitting your applicationDetermined by developerDetermined by developer
Booking a flat and signing the Option to Purchase (OTP)Option fee - 5% of purchase price (goes to the cash portion of the downpayment)• Cash
• Cashier's order
• Cheque
Signing Sale and Purchase Agreement• Balance downpayment
• 1% to 3% legal fee and stamp duty
• Cash
• Cashier's orde
• Cheque
Collection of keysIf paying installments using CPF savings:
• Home Protection Scheme*
• Fire Insurance*
The developer will inform you of any other payments to make
• Cash
• Cashier's order
• Cheque
*Not applicable for ECs

If you prefer not to use an HDB CPF Loan, you can also approach your preferred bank for a loan.

You will need a valid Letter Of Offer from the banks before signing the Agreement of Lease.

How to Ballot for BTO?

Keep yourself updated for BTO launches and apply here. A $10 application fee is required for the application.

When the application period ends, your queue position will be balloted.

The application result will be sent to you via email or post, and you can also check its status online.

Applicants can select a flat according to the balloted queue number, and whether or not you can select a flat depends on the number of flats available when it reaches your queue number.

We have covered how to increase your ballot chances, make sure you check it out.

Paying the HDB Option Fee

If you’re lucky enough to be able to select the flat you want, you’ll need to pay the Option Fee.

Agreement of Lease or Key Collection: HDB Loan Downpayment and More

The next step would be to either sign the lease agreement or collect the keys for the flat. This will occur a few months after selecting a flat.

The signing of a lease agreement is for flats that are still under construction, while the key collection is for flats that have already been completed.

Also, this is the stage where you pay for the downpayment, legal fees, and stamp fees.

All the best!

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About Ming Feng
A stint in Bloomberg gifted me with a beer belly, which only grew larger when I moved on to become a Professional Trader. Now I turn caffeine into digestible finance-related content.
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